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Beowulf on Steorarume
(Beowulf in Cyberspace)
Beowulf on Steorarume - [] - B. Slade
A New Critical Electronic Edition of the Text,
based on an examination of the original MS **

with supplementary texts including
The Fight at Finnsburh, Waldere, Deor,
Woden's Nine Herbs Charm, Bede's Account of Cædmon

edited & translated by
Benjamin Slade
(please contact me regarding corrections, suggestions, &c.)

reading based on the colour fascimile by Kevin Kiernan et al.:

fr. Nowell codex - Wonders of the East f.099-95v

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A Guide to this Site
  New to Beowulf on Steorarume ?
   Don't know where to go ?

 Then visit:
  a Guide for Students, Teachers,
      and other Visitors   in Cyberspace
    to The old English Epic BEOWULF

i. Old English Texts & Translations

with new modern English facing translation
by Benjamin Slade,

opposite original Old English text critically edited;
includes explanatory notes on the text and audio recordings of selected passages in Old English

 Beowulf Urtext und  die Übersetzung von Hugo Gering, bearbeitet von Benjamin Slade (mit Hilfe von Johann Köberl)
Beowulf : Hindi translation
 hindi  (Hindi ka anuvaad)
[in progress]

 Beowulf translation into Hindi [Hindi ka anuvaad]
HWAET WE GARDEna.. - fr. Beo. ms. - f.129r1-2 (scribe 1)
 Beowulf Old English text only, semi-diplomatic edition, with notes pertaining to the MS, including new readings and possible emendations

ij. Supplementary Texts

SUPPLEMENTARY TEXTS - fr. Beo. ms. - prefix i-r  annotated list of on- & off-site related Old English texts such as The Finnsburh Fragment, Deor, Widsith, Battle of Maldon and others - original texts with modern English translation (+ deutsche Übersetzung für Finnsburh)

iij. Essays, Critical Studies, Reference Materials
BEOWULF PREFACE - fr. Junius MS 11-f.54 with 'biowulf' ( f173v20) and corrected 'beowulf' (
The Making of

an introduction... the Anglo-Saxon epic poem Beowulf and its sole extant manuscript, contained in British Library MS Cotton Vitellius A.xv:
   settings, contexts, author, date, structure, & other topics

THE ARCHAIC INDOGERMANIC NATURE OF BEOWULF - fr. Nowell codex - Wonders of the East f.100-96v  an examination of the pagan Germanic & Christian elements of Beowulf
DATING BEOWULF - fr. Beo. ms. - f.183r20 (scribe 2)  study of the metre of Beowulf provides clues to when the poem was composed
Ker's description of Beo-MS - Vitellius A.xv(pr fx-ir)  expert palaeographer's description of the Nowell Codex/Beowulf-Ms.
GLOSSARY TO BEOWULF - (word-hord) fr. Beo. ms. - f.135v8 (scribe 1)
 Old English -> Modern English glossary for Beowulf & the Finnsburh fragment
 list of proper names of characters and locales
MONSTERS/UNHOLDEN of BEOWULF - fr. Nowell codex - Wonders of the East (f098-100v)  list/glossary of the trolls, demons, dragons & other monsters of Beowulf
MAPS & OTHER IMAGES - Mappa Mundi - 11th c.  maps, genealogies & modern English glossary of selected terms with accompanying illustrations of relevant Anglo-Saxon & Germanic artefacts, scenes
 some explanations of terminology relating to mediaeval manuscript and their description
 brief list of definitions of technical terms relating to poetic metre, rhythm, versification, &c., with relevant linguistic (phonological & morphological) terminology
 site bibliography

iiij. Miscellany
BEOWULF BOOK RECOMMENDATIONS - Exeter Book open to Widsith
 Recommended books
on Beowulf
 list of recommended books for students and links for purchasing
lynd ward artwork
 Beowulf Artwork
 artwork of Beowulf
 Beowulf news  Beowulf-related news
 Beowulf Resources
 links to other useful online resources for Beowulf & awards this site has won
fr. Nowell codex - Wonders of the East f.096-98v

Images of the Beowulf MS are reproduced by kind permission
 of the British Library Board
(who retain copyright)

All other material on this site under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Licence, Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. copyright
Please include proper citation reference if quoting a short passage.

Many thanks to Syd Allan for advice and assistance
 on various aspects of this website.

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