Ábel, m.,
biblical person: second son of Adam & Eve, brother of Cain; as. 108.
Alf-walda, wk. adj. & m. noun,
ruler of elves (epithet for Beowulf ?); 1316 (usu. emended to alwalda - see n.1316 (bilingual edition) & n.1316 (semi-diplomatic edition); see also Tripp, Taylor) [
alf unattested form for
ælf in OE, though it would be the expected Anglian form (see Peters, for proto-Northumbrian reconstructed
alf occurs in ME, e.g. La
Brut, 19268: 'þis þe
alfe him
3eaf' (Cott. Otho C.xiii)].
Ár-Scyldingas, see
Ælf-here, m. -ja.,
kinsman of Wígláf; gs. -es, 2605. (Woolf (1937) argues that this may be Beowulf's given name (with 'Beowulf' as a sort of nickname), see also Collinder) [ælf- 'elf'; here 'army' > MnE. name
Oliver; see further under OE. entry
Æsc-here, m. -ja.,
a counselor and warrior of the Danes, close companion of Hróðgár; 1325, 1331; gs. -es, 1422; ds. -e, 2125. [æsc (ON. askr), ('ash-') 'spear' (Scand. 'boat', see 'Battle of Maldon' l.69); here 'army']
Béan-stán, m.,
father of Breca; gs. -es, 523. [Icel. bauni 'shark', 'dogfish' (or OE. béan 'bean'?); stán 'stone']
Beorht-Dene, see
Béow(ulf), m.,
Danish king, son of Scyld; 18, 53. [perh. scribal error for Béow 'barley'; see n.4, n.18, & Björkman]
Béowulf, Bíowulf, m., (Béowulf Géata 675, 1193),
the hero of the poem: Geatish warrior (and later king), son of Ecgþéow & kinsman of Hygelác; (the
ío form is confined to the second part of the MS., in which it is regularly used with the exception of ll. 1974, 2210, 2511) --ns., 343 (Béowulf is mín nama), 404, 505, 528, 630, 675, 956, 1023, 1193, 1301, 1312, 1385, 1443, 1475, 1653, 1820, 1883, 2002, 2360, 2426, 2511, 2725; gs. -es, 500, 794, 855, 871 & 1974 (síð Béowulfes), 2197, 2682, 2808 (Bíowulfes biorh); ds. -e, 608, 622, 817, 1019, 1042, 1050, 2210, 2325, 2843, 2908, 3068, [3153]; as. -, 364, 652, 2390; vs. -, 945; wine mín B.: 456, 1706; B. léofa: 1218, 1761; léofa B.: 1857, 1990, 2664. --note: Béowulf maðelode: 404, 2511, 2725; Béowulf maþelode, bearn Ecgþéowes: 528, 630, 956, 1385, 1475, 1653, 1820, 2002, 2426. ['Bee-Wolf' (='Bear') : béo, bío 'bee'; wulf 'wolf' - see n.343]
Breca, wk.m.,
chief of the Brondingas; 582; d.(a.?)s. Brecan, 505; as. ~, 530. [perh. fr. OE. brecan, or fr. ON. breki; cf. brecan ofer bæðweg, 'Elene' l.244, 'Andreas' ll. 223, 513; also Björkman]
Brondingas, m.p.,
Scandinavian tribal name (unidentified); gp. -a, 520. [fr. OE. brond 'sword'?, or ON. brandr, 'ship's beak (prow)'?; cf. 'Widsith' l.111]
Brósinga (gp.) mene, 1201 [=ON. Brísinga men, the necklace of the goddess Freyja in the Elder Edda ('Þrymskviþa') - see n.1201].
Cáin, m.,
biblical person: first son of Adam & Eve, brother (and slayer) of Ábel; gs. Cáines (altered fr. cames), 107. [l. 1263 MS camp 'strife'(?) often emended to ns. Cáin]
Dæg-hrefn, m.,
a warrior of the Húgas (Frisians), possibly the slayer of Hygelác (see n.2502); ds. Dæghrefne, 2502. [dæg 'day'; hrefn 'raven', see 1804f.]
Dene, m. -i. p.,
Danes (national and geographical designation); np., 2053; dp. Dena, Denig(e)a, Denia, 155, 497, 656, 1672, 2038; land ~, 242, 253, similarly, 1907; folce(s) ~, 1584; ~ léode (-um), 389, 598, 695, 1325, 1715, 2128; wine ~, 350; aldor~, 667; ~ fréan, 271, 359, 1682; dp. Denum, 766, 822, 1157, 1419, 1723, 1817, 2071; ap. Dene, 1089. [ON. Danir; cf. OE. denu 'valley'? (cp. OE. slæd 'valley', 'glade'); ON. dan, cp. OE. dæn(n)] --Cpds.:
(a) Beorht-Dene; gp. -a, 426, 608. [beorht 'bright'];
Gár-Dene; gp. -a, 1; dp. -um, 600, 1859, 2495 [gár 'spear'; cp. names in -gár, e.g. Hróðgár, Gármund (l.1965)];
Hring-Dene; np., 116, 1281; gp. -a, 1772 [hring 'ring', 'mail-coat'?].
(b) Éast-Dene; gp. -a, 391, 615; dp. -um, 827 ['East Danes'];
Norð-Dene; dp. -um, 782 ['North Danes'];
Súð-Dene; gp. -a, 462; ap. -e, 1999 ['South Danes'];
West-Dene; dp. -um, 383, 1580 ['West Danes']. --Cp. Healf-Dene; see Scyldingas, Ingwine.
Éad-gils, m.,
Swedish prince, son of Óhthere; ds. -e, 2393. [éad 'wealth'; gís(e)l 'hostage']
Eafor, see
Éaha, wk.m.,
a (Half-)Danish warrior; [F. 15].
Éan-mund, m.,
Swedish prince, son of Óhthere; gs. -es, 2612. [éad 'wealth'; mund 'hand', 'protection']
Earna-næs, m.,
a promontory in the land of the Geats, near the scene of the dragon fight; as. 3033. ['Eagle-Ness' : earn 'eagle']
Éast-Dene, see
Ecg-láf, m.,
a Dane, father of Unferð; gs. Ecgláfes: ~ bearn, 498; sunu ~, 589, [979], 1811; mago ~, 1467. [ecg 'sword', 'edge'; láf 'remnant', 'heirloom']
Ecg-þéow, m. -wa.,
father of Béowulf (tribal affiliation uncertain - see n.343); 263, 373 (Ecgþéo); gs. Ecgþéowes: bearn ~, 528, 630, [956], 1385, 1475, 1653, 1820, 2002 (-ðíoes), 2180, 2426; sunu ~, 1552, 2368, 2399 (-ðíowes); maga ~, 2588. [ecg 'sword'; þéow 'servant'; cf. ON. Eggþér]
Ecg-wela, wk.m.,
(unknown) Danish king; gs. -an, 1713. [ecg 'sword'; wela 'wealth']
Eofor, m.,
a Geat, son of Wonréd, brother of Wulf, slayer of Ongenþéow; gs. Eofores, 2487, Eafores, 2965; ds. Iofore, 2994, 2997. [eofor 'boar']
Éo-mér, m., sometimes MS l.1963 'on geomor' is altered to the supposed name Éomer =
son of the Angle king Offa; [
eoh 'horse' [ON. jór; cf. OIr. ech, Lat. equus, Gr. 'ιππος, Skt. açva < IE. *ek`wo- 'horse' ? < IE. *ek`w-o-, related to (?) IE. *ók`u- 'swift' (Watkins 23:ekwo-/Pokorny ekuo-s 201); maére 'famous' (- cf. 'OE. Bede' 122.9: Éomaér)])
Eormen-ríc, m., king of the East Goths; gs. -es, 1203. [eormen 'immense'; ríce 'powerful'; cf. Go. reiks 'ruler']
Éotan, wk.m.p., 'Jutes'; the people of Finn, the Frisian king; (giants? - see n.1071): gp. Éotena, 1071, 1087, 1140; dp. Éotenum, 1144; --giants, (etins); dp. ~, 901.
Fin(n), m., king of the East Frisians; Fin, 1095, 1151; gs. Finnes, 1067, 1080, 1155; ds. Finne, 1127; as. Fin, 1145.
Finnas, m.p., Finns (Lapps); gp. -a, 579.
Finns-buruh, f. -c., Finn's castle; [F. 36].
Fitela, wk.m., nephew (and son) of Sigemund; 878, 888. [ON. Sinfjolti, OHG. Sintarfizzilo; (kenning for 'wolf' - OE. Fitela shortened from the compound form as found in OHG. & ON.)]
Folc-walda, wk.m., father of the Finn; gs. -an, 1088. [cf. 2596]
Francan, wk.m.p., Franks; gp. Francna, 1212; dp. Froncum, 2913. ['spear-men' (cf. OE. franca 'spear')?? or 'freeman'? or 'bold ones'?; cf. Hn. firangí (arch.) 'European, Westerner' < P. firinghi < Gr. frangos < Gmc. frank]
Fréa-waru, f., daughter of Hróðgár; as. -e, 2025. [fréa 'lord'; waru '(watchful) care' - altered from orig. Hrút? 'doe' - see Malone 1940a, 1959a] (cp. 'Liber Vitae': Berct-, Ecg-, Hroth-, Sig-waru)
Frésan, Frýsan, wk.m.p., Frisians, West Frisians: gp. Frésna, 2916; dp. Frýsum, 1209, 2913; --East Frisians: gp. Frésena, 1092, Frýsna 1103.
Frés-cyning, m., king of the (West) Frisians; ds. -[e], 2504.
Frés-lond, n., Friesland, Frisia; land of the West Frisians; dp. Fréslondum, 2358; --land of the East Frisians: as. Frýsland, 1125.
Frés-wæl, n., Frisian battle-field; ds. -e, 1069.
Fróda, wk.m., Heaðo-Bard chief, father of Ingeld; gs. -an, 2028. [fród 'wise' ('old')]
Frýsan, Frýs-land, see Frésan, Frés-lond.
Gár-Dene, see Dene.
Gár-mund, m., father of the Angle king Offa; gs. -es, 1965. [gár 'spear'; mund 'hand', 'protection']
Gár-ulf, m., a Frisian warrior; [F. 18, 31]. [gár 'spear'; ulf = wulf 'wolf']
Géatas, m.p., Scandinavian tribe (in South 'Sweden' = ON> Gautar?? or in the Jutland penisula?? or on the island of Gotland??); gp. Géata, 374, 378, 600, 675, 1193, 1204, 1553, 1644, 1839, 1914, 2187, 2328, 2473, 2659, 2947; ~ léode (-a, -um), 205, 260, 362, 442 (Géotena), 1215, 1859, 1933, 2319, 2928, 3139, 3180; ~ léod, 624, 668, 1434; ~ dryhten (cyning, goldwine), 1486, 1834, 2357, 2403, 2420, 2484, 2561, 2577, 2585, 2902, 2992; dp. Géatum, 195, 1173, 2195, 2391, 2624; ap. Géatas, 1175. Géat (i.e. Béowulf), ns., 1788; gs. Géates, 639; ds. Géate, 1303; as. Géat, 1795. [Ablaut form: Gotan 'Goths'? ON. Gautar derived from Gautland?, the land near the river Gautelfr; likely based on OE. verb geótan 'pour, pour out, shed; flow, stream; make a libation(?), sacrifice(?); cast, found' see further under entry 'géotan'] --Cpds.:
Gúð-Géatas; gp. -a, 1540. [gúð 'war']
Saé-Géatas; np., 1853; gp. -a, 1989. [saé 'sea']
Weder-Géatas; gp. -a, 1494, 1614, 2552; dp. -um, 2380. [weder 'weather'] see Wederas; Hréðlingas.
Geatisc, adj.,
Geatish;, [3152].
Géat-mæcgas, m. -ja. p.,
men of the Geats; gp. -mecga, 9828; dp. -mæcgum, 490.
Géotena, see
Gifðas, m.p.,
East Germanic tribe; dp. -um, 2495. (cf. 'Widsith' l.60: Gefþas, Lat. form Gepidae]
Grendel, m.,
monstrous fen-dwelling being slain by Béowulf; 102, 151, 473, [590], 677, 710, 818, 1053, 1255, 1268, 1778, 2081; gs. Grendles, 127, 195, 384, 408, 477, 482, 526, 835, 926, 1260, 1284, 1393, 1540, 1641, 1650, 2005; Grendeles, 2009, 2121, 2142, 2354; ds. Grendle, 665, 929, 1579, 2522; as. Grendel, 423, 1336, 1356, 1588, 2000, 2073. [perh. fr. OE. grindan 'grind' ('destroy')?; or OE. *grandial fr. OE. *grand 'sand'? 'bottom of a body of water'?; or fr. OE. *grandor 'evil', 'injury' (cf. ON. grand 'injury')?; or fr. OE. grindel 'bar' (cf. OHG. grindel, krintil)?; or rel. to ON. grindill 'storm'? - see further
n102 to online dual-language edition]
Gúð-ere, m. -ja.,
a Frisian warrior; ds., [F. 18]. [gúð 'war'; ere 'army']
Gúð-Géatas, see
Gúð-láf, m.,
a Danish warrior; 1147, [F. 16];
a Frisian warrior; [F. gs. -es, 33]. [gúð 'war'; láf 'remnant', 'heirloom']
Gúð-Scilfingas, see
Hálga, wk.m.,
Danish prince, younger brother of Hróðgár; Hálga til, 61. [ON. Helgi, from ON. heilagr, OE. hálig, i.e. 'consecrated', 'inviolable', '
Háma, wk.m.,
a person of the Germanic (Gothic) cycle of legends; 1200. see n. l.1200. [ON. Heimir, OHG. Heime; cf. 'Widsith' ll.129-30]
Hæreð, m.,
father of Hygd; gs. Hæreþes 1932, Hæreðes 1984.
Hæðcyn, -cen, m.,
Geatish prince, second son of Hréðel; Hæðcyn, 2435, 2438; ds. Hæðcynne, 2483; as. Hæðcen, 2926. [h(e)aðu- 'war'; cyn 'kind']
Healf-Dene, m. -i.,
king of the Danes, father of Heorogár, Hróðgár, Hálga (& Ýrse); héah ~, 57; gs. -es, 1063; maga ~, 189, 1476, 2146; mago ~, 1870, 2014; sunu ~, 268, 344, 644, 1039, 1654, 1701, 2150; ~ sunu, 1008; bearn ~, 468, 1019. [O. (West) N. Hálfdan(r), O.Dan. Haldan (Lat. Haldanus)].
Heard-réd, m.,
Geatish king, son of Hygelác; 2389; ds. -e, [2205], 2376. [heard 'fierce'; réd 'counsel']
Heaðo-Beardan, wk.m.p.,
a Germanic tribe; gp. -Beardna, 2035; Heaða-~, 2070. [heaðo- 'war'; beard 'beard']
Heaþo-láf, m.,
a man of the Wylfing tribe; ds. -e, 459. [heaþo- 'war'; láf 'remnant', 'heirloom']
Heaþo-Raémas, m.p.,
a people living in southern Norway (Romerike); ap. -Raémes, 518. ('Widsith' l.63: Heaþo-Réamum, dp.; ON. Raumar)
Heaðo-Scilfingas, see
Helmingas, m.p.,
the family to which Wealhþéow belongs; gp. -a, 619. ('Widsith' l.29: Helm)
Hemming, m.,
a kinsman of Offa(?); gs. Hemninges, 1947, Heminges 1964.
Hengest, m.,
leader of the (Half-)Danes after Hnæf's death in Frisia; 1126, [F. 17]; ds. -e, 1082, 1095. [hengest 'horse']
Heoro-gár, m.,
Danish king, elder brother of Hróðgár; 61; Hioro-, 2161; Here-,466. [heoro 'sword', here 'army'; gár 'spear'] (cp. hioro-serce 2540, here-syrce 1513)
Heorot, m.,
the famous hall of the Danish king Hróðgár (corresonding to the royal seat of Hleiðr (Zeeland) in Norse tradition(?)); 1016, 1178, Heort 990; gs. Heorotes, 402; ds. Heorote, 474, 496, 592, 1269, 1304, 1332, 1590, 1673, Heorute 765, Hiorote 1993, Hiorte 2102; as. Heorot 166, 431, Heort 78. [heorot 'hart']
Heoro-weard, m.,
son of Heorogár; ds. -e, 2164. [heoro- 'sword'; weard 'guard']
Here-beald, m.,
Geatish prince, eldest son of Hréðel; 2435; ds. -e, 2464. [here 'army'; beald 'bold']
Here-gár, see
Here-mód, m.,
a king of the Danes; 1712; gs. -es, 900. [here 'army'; mód 'mind', 'spirit', 'courage']
Here-ríc, m.,
uncle of Heardréd(?) (i.e.
brother of Hygd); gs. -es, 2209. [here 'army'; ríce 'powerful']
Here-Scyldingas, see
Het-ware, m. -i.p.,
a Frankish people on the lower Rhein; 2364, 2917. ('Widsith' l.33: Hætwerum, dp.) [hæt(t) 'hat' (perh. 'helmet')?; -ware 'inhabitants'] (cf. Lat. forms Chatti: Chattuarii)
Hige-lác, see
Hilde-burh, f.,
sister of Hnæf (chief of the Half-Danes), daugher of Hóc, wife of the Frisian king Finn; 1070, 1113. [hild 'battle'; burh 'fortified place']
Hiorot, see
Hnæf, m.,
chief of the (Half-)Danes, brother of Hildeburh, son of Hóc; [F. [2]]; gs. -es, 1113; ds. -e, [F. 40].
Hóc, m.,
father of Hildeburh & Hnæf; gs. -es, 1075. [cp. OE. hécen 'kid']
Hond-scióh, m.,
a Geat warrior, one of the comrades of Béowulf; ds. -sciö, 2079. ['Glove' : hond 'hand'; scióh 'shoe'; cf. Ger. Handschuh 'glove', ON. (name) Vottr 'glove']
Hraédlan, Hraédles, see
Hrefna-wudu, m. -u.,
a forest in Sweden; as. (or ds.?), 2926. [hrefna 'raven'; wudu 'wood']
Hrefnes-holt, n.,
a forest in Sweden; as., 2936. [hrefna 'raven'; holt 'wood']
Hréosna-beorh, m.,
a hill in Geatland; as., 2478.
Hréðel (-aé-, Hraédla), m.,
king of the Geats, father of Hygelác, grandfather of Béowulf; 374 (Hréþel Géata), 2431 (Hréðel cyning), 2475; gs. Hréþles, 1850, 2194, 2359, 2993; Hraédles, 1487; Hraédlan, 453. [hréð 'glory'?, eþel 'homeland'?]
Hréð-men, m. -c.,
a name for the Geats; gp. -manna, 444.
Hréþling, m.,
son of Hréþel; as., 1926 (Higelác), 2926 (Hæðcen).
Hréðlingas, m.p.,
Geatish people; 2961.
Hréð-ríc, m.,
a son of Hróðgár; 1191, Hréþrinc, 1839. [hróð-: hréð 'glory'; ríce 'powerful']
Hring-Dene, see
Hrones-næs(s), m.,
a headland on the coast of Geatland; ds. -næsse, 2806, 3138. [hron 'whale']
Hróð-gár, m.,
king of the Danes, son of Healf-Dane, lord of Heorot; 61, 356, 371, 455, 652, 661, 924, 1016, 1238, 1323, 1689, 1843, 2158; gs. -es, 235, 335, 612, 716, 825, 1065, 1458, 1582, 1887, 1902, 2023, 2352; ds. -e, 64, 1298, 1401, 1409, 1594, 1993, 2132; as. -, 152, 277, 339, 395, 862, 1648, 1819, 2013; vs., 367, 406, 416 (þéoden H.), 1485. --note: Hróðgár maþelode: 924, 1689, 1843; Hróðgár maþelode, helm Scyldinga: 371, 455, 1323. [hróðor, hréð 'glory'; gár 'spear'; cf. ON. Hróðgeirr, MHG. Rüedegér, Anglo-Norman Roger (see 'O.E. Chronicle, AD 1075)]
Hróð-mund, m.,
a son of Hróðgár; 1191. [hróð 'glory'; mund 'hand', 'protection']
Hróþ-ulf, m.,
son of Hálga, nephew of Hróðgár; 1016; as., 1183. [hróþ 'glory'; -ulf : wulf 'wolf'; ON. Hrólfr, ME. Rolf, cf. Ralph]
Hrunting, m.,
Unferð's sword; 1459; ds. -e, 1492, 1661; as., 1810. [hrunt 'a long piece of wood'?; cf. ON. Hrotti (sword-name); ON. (OE.) hrinda(n) 'thrust']
Húgas, m.p.,
a name applied to the Franks; gp. -a, 2503; ap. -as, 2915.
Hun-ferð, see
Hún-láfing, m.,
Hengest's sword? or perh.
a warrior in Hengest's band (son of Húnláf)?; 1142. [*hún- 'high'; láf 'remnant', 'heirloom' (-ing: patronymic)]
Hygd, f. -i.,
wife of Hygelác; 1929, 2370; ds. -e, 2175. [ge-hygd 'thought', 'deliberation']
Hyge-lác, Hige-lác, (Hýlác(es) 1532 pointing to the form Hyglác?; the form Hyge- occurs only between ll.2004 & 2435, besides 812, 2944), m.,
king of the Geats, son of Hréþel; 434, 1204, 1986, 2204, 2373, 2435, 2915; gs. -es, 261, 342, 2387, 2944, 2953, [2959]; ~ þegn, 194, 1576, 2978; maég ~, 736, 757, 812, 913, 1532, (similarly) 406; ds. -e, 451, 1485, 1833, 1973, 2172, 2989; as. -, 1823, 1926, 2356; vs., 2003 (dryhten H.), 2154. [hyge 'mind'; lác 'play'; cf. ON. Hugleikr]
In-geld, m.,
prince of the Heaðo-Bards, son of Fróda; ds. -e, 2067. [*Ing 'name of a Germanic deity' (see n.1043); geld 'sacrifice', 'service' worship - thus 'Servant of Ing' (cf. Skt. name Kálídasa ('servant of (the goddess) Kálí))]
Ing-wine, m. -i. p.,
(Ing's friends), Danes; gp.: (eodor) Ingwina, 1043, (fréan) ~, 1321. [Ing 'name of a Germanic deity' (see n.1043); wine 'friend(s)']
Iofor, see
Mere-wíoing, m.,
Merovingian (i.e.
king of the Franks); gs. -as, 2922.
Mód-þrýðo, Þrýðo, f., probably a description of Hygd (see mó, þrýðo), but often taken to refer to (a)
wife of the Angle king Offa(??!); 1934. [mód 'spirit', 'mind'; þrýð 'strength'])
Nægling, m.,
Béowulf's sword; 2681. [nægl 'nail'; cp. sword-names Nagelrinc, -ring, Nagelung in 'Þídrekssaga' & MHG. epics]
Norð-Dene, see
Offa, wk.m.,
king of the (continental) Angles; 1960; gs. Offan, 1952. [Saxo: Uffo]
Óht-(h)ere, m. -ja.,
son of the Swedish king Ongenþéow; gs. Óhteres, 2381, 2395; Óhtheres, 2929, 2933; ds. Óhtere, 2613. [óht 'pursuit' (or 'terror'?); here 'army'; ON. Óttarr]
Onela, wk.m.,
king of the Swedes, son of Ongenþéow; 2617; gs. Onelan, [62], 2933. [ON. Áli]
Ongen-þéow, m. -wa.,
king of the Swedes; 2487, -ðío, 2925, 2952, -ðíow 2962; gs. -þées, 1971, Ongenðíoes, 2388; -ðeowes, 2476; ds. -ðío, 2987. [þéow 'servant'; cf. ON. Angantýr]
Ord-láf, m.,
a Danish warrior; [F. 16]. [ord 'point', 'vanguard'; láf 'remnant', 'relic', 'heirloom']
Ós-láf, m.,
a Danish warrior; 1147. [ós, ON. áss 'god', OHG. ans- 'god' < Gmc. *ansu-; Av. ahura 'spirit, lord', Skt. asura- 'demon, spirit' < IE. *h
2ensu- 'spirit' (Watkins 4:ansu-/Pokorny ansu- 48); láf 'relic', 'remnant', 'legacy']
Saé-Géatas, see
Scede-land (=Sceden-), n., see
Sceden-íg; dp. -landum 19.
Sceden-íg, f. -jó.,
name of the southernmost part of the Scandinavian peninsula (Skane), applied to the Danish realm; ds. -egge, 1688. [ON. Skán-ey, Lat. Sca(n)dinavia, mod. Sw. Skane; gloss: ég-stréam 'flood, ocean']
Scéfing, m.,
appellation of Scyld ('son of Scéf'); 4. [scéaf, Mn.E.
Scyld, m.,
mythical Danish king; 4, 26; gs. -es, 19. [scyld '
Scyldingas (Scild-, 229, 351, 1185, 2104, 2109), m.p.,
(descendants of Scyld, members of Danish dynasty), Danes (poet. name); np. hwate ~, 1603, 2055 (Scyldungas); gp. Scyldinga, 53, 229, 912, 1068, 1153, 1168, 1565; wine ~, 30, 148, 170, 1185, 2029, 2104 (Scildunga); fréan ~, 291, 351, 499, 1166; helm ~, 371, 455, 1323; eodor ~, 427, 662; þéoden ~, 1677, 1874; léod ~, 1655, 2162 (Scyldunga); witan ~, 777; winum ~, 1420; dp. Scyldingum, 274; ap. Scyldingas, 58.
Scylding, ns.: gamela ~ (i.e. Hróðgár), 1795, Scilding, 2108. [scyld, Scyld; ON. Skjoldungar] --Cpds.:
Ár-Scyldingas; gp. -a, 463; dp. -um, 1713 [ár 'honour']
Here-Scyldingas; gp. -a, 1107 [here 'army']
Sige-Scyldingas; gp. -a, 596; dp. -um, 2007 [sige 'victory']
Þéod-Scyldingas; np., 1018 [þéod 'people']. see Dene.
Scylfingas (Scilf-), m.p.,
(Swedish dynasty), Swedes; gp. Scylfinga: helm ~, 2382, léod ~, 2604.
Scylfing, ns.: gomela ~ (i.e. Ongenþéow), 2488, 2969 (Scilfing). [ON. Skilfing(a)r; ON. -skjálf, OE. scielf, scylf, 'peak, crag, pinnacle'; cf. MHG. ('Nibelungelied') Schilbunc (-ung)] --Cpds.:
Gúð-Scilfingas; ap. 2928 [gúð 'war']
Heaðo-Scilfingas; ap. 2208 [heaðo- 'war']
Heaðo-Scilfing; gs. -as, 63 (i.e. Onela). --see Swéon.
Secgan, wk.m.p.,
a Germanic (coastal) tribe; gp. Secgena, [F. 24]. [secg 'sword'; cf. seax, Seaxe]
Sige-ferð, m.,
one of Hnæf's warriors (of the tribe of the Secgean); [F. 15, 24]. [sige 'victory'; ferð 'mind', 'spirit' or ferð=frið(u) 'protection', 'peace']
Sige-mund, m.,
son of Wæls, uncle (and father) of Fitela; ds. -e, 883, 874. [sige 'victory'; mund 'hand', 'protection'] see n.874.
Sige-Scyldingas, see
Súð-Dene, see
Swéon, wk.m.p.,
Swedes; i.e.
inhabitants of the east central part of present Sweden (northeast of Lakes Väner & Vätter); gp. Swéona, 2473, Swóna, 2947; ~ léodum (-e), 2959, 3003. [O.Ice. Svíar, O.Sw. Swéar, Swíar; cf. Go. swés, OE. swaés 'one's own'] see Scylfingas.
Swéo-ðéod, f.,
the Swedish people; ds. -e, 2923. [ON. Sví-þjóð, cf. 'Leges Edwardi Confessoris' 32E: Suetheida 'Sweden'] see Swío-ríce.
Swerting, m.,
(maternal) uncle of Hygelác; gs. -es, 1205. [sweart 'black; ON. Svertingr]
Swío-ríce, n. -ja.,
Sweden; ds., 2384, 2496. [Sw. Sverige]
Þéod-Scyldingas, see
Un-ferð, m.,
'þýle' of Hróðgár; Hunferð 498, 1165; as., 1490; vs., 529. (see n.498).
Waég-mundingas, m.p.,
the family to which Wíhstán, Wígláf, and Béowulf belong; gp. -a, 2608, 2815.
Wæls, m.,
father of Sigemund; gs. -es, 896. [cf. Goth, walis, γνησιος, 'genuine', 'legitimate']
Wælsing, m.,
son of Wæls, (i.e.
Sigemund); gs. -es, 876. [cf. ON. Volsungr]
Wealh-þéo(w) (the form with final
w in 611 only), str. & wk.f.,
Hróðgár's queen; 611, 1161, 1217, 2176; ds. -þéön, 628; as. -þéo, 663. [wealh 'foreign', 'Celtic', 'Welsh', 'Gaulish'; þéow 'captive' (carried off in war) - misapplied epithet of Ýrse??, see Malone 1929]
Wederas, m.p., =
Weder-Géatas (cf. Hréðas, 'Elene' l.58=Hréð-Gotan, l.20); gp. Wedera, and (in the second part of the MS, except 2189 & 2337, regularly:) Wedra; 422, 497, 2123; ~ léode (-a, -um), 225, 696, 1897, 2901, 3158; ~ léod, 341; ~ þíoden (helm), 2337, 2463, 2657, 2706, 2787, 3039.
Weder-Géatas, see
Weder-mearc, f.,
land of the (Weder-)Geats; ds. -e, 298. (cf. (Den-)mark)
Wéland, m.,
famous smith of Germanic legend; gs. -es, 454. [cf. ON. vél 'artifice'; High German Wielant(d), ON. Volundr; MnE. Wayland (dial. pronunc.)] see n.454.
Wendlas (or
Wendle), m.p.,
Vandals(?) or
inhabitants of Vendel in Uppland, Sweden, or
inhabitants of Vendill in North Jutland (mod. Vendsyssel); gp. Wendla, 348.
Wéoh-stán (Wéox-), see
West-Dene, see
Wíg-láf, m.,
a Waégmunding, kinsman & retainer of Béowulf; 2603, 2632, 2863, 2907, 3078; vs., 2746; as. Wíláf, 2853. [wíg 'valour', 'war' or wíh, wéoh 'deity', 'idol'; láf 'remainder', 'legacy']
Wíh-stán, Wéoh-stán, m.,
father of Wígláf; Wéohstán, 2614; gs. Wíhstánes (sunu): 2753, 3078, 3122, 2863 (Wéoh-), 2603 (Wéox-); (byre) Wíhstánes: 2908, 3112. [wíg, wéoh 'deity', 'idol'; stán 'stone'; ON. Vésteinn]
Wilfingas, see
Wiðer-gyld, m.,
a Heaðo-Bard warrior; 2054. [wiðer 'hostile'; gyld 'reward', 'sacrifice']
Won-réd, m.,
a Geat, father of Eulf and Eofor; gs. -es, 2972. [won 'wanting', 'void of'; réd 'counsel']
Won-réding, m.,
son of Wonréd (i.e.
Wulf); 2966.
Wulf, m.,
a Geat (warrior), son of Wonréd, brother of Eofor; 2966; ds. -e, 2994. [wulf 'wolf']
Wulf-gár, m.,
an (Wendle) official at the court of Hróðgár; 348, 360. [wulf 'wolf'; gár 'spear']
Wylfingas, m.p.,
a Germanic tribe (prob. south of the Baltic sea) (possibly connected with the East Anglian Wuffings - see Newton); dp. Wylfingum, 470, Wilfingum 460. [wulf 'wolf'; ON. Ylfingar].
Yrmen-láf, m.,
a Dane; gs. -es, 1326. [yrmen 'immense', 'powerful'; láf 'remnant', 'legacy'; cf. Eormen-(ríc)]