Beowulf on Steorarume

Old English Glossary
[and the Finnesburh Fragment]

compiled by
(based loosely on the Glossary from Klaeber (1950), with substantial additions and alterations)

click on the desired letter heading here >

The order of words is alphabetical, with æ following az and þ/ð following t; the verbal prefix ge- is disregarded in the arrangement.

When no form of a word is given before a reference, the head-word is to be supplied (the nom. sing. of nouns and the nom. sing. masc. of adjectives being understood unless indicated otherwise).

[F. #] refers to the Finnesburh Fragment

Fount Styles

bold = OE headword
italics= modern English definition

underscoring = descendent of OE headword, or those adopted from cognate languages
(underscoring inside round brackets) = descendent of OE headword, but modern reflex has undergone significant change in meaning
"underscoring in double inverted commas" = descendent of OE headword is obscure or dialectical

...[square brackets following body of entry] = related OE words, cognates in other languages and related words in modern English

[line number in square bracket] = reference to restored or emended form or word, i.e. not present in or altered from the MS reading

nb.: references to Watkins and Pokorny followed by numbers & roots (e.g., [Watkins 61:pa9wr/Pokorny peuór 828]), refers to the pg. number and entry heading in Watkins' & Pokorny's Indo-European dictionaries of roots

Misc. diacritic markings used in this glossary
(occurring in the body of an entry [i.e., not in the head of an entry])

* = unattested/reconstructed word/form
´(e.g., á, é, etc.) = long vowel (e.g., in phonological notation /a:/, /e:/, etc.)
9 = schwa-vowel (i.e. reduced, unstressed vowel, e.g. like the pronunciation of the a of modern English about)
h1, h2, h3 = Indo-European reconstructed 'laryngeal' consonants (de Saussure's coefficients sonantiques) [the non-colouring, a-colouring, o-colouring laryngeals, resp.]
k`, g`, etc. = palatalised phone(me)
ç = non-retroflex Skt. or Hit. sh- (often indicated elsewhere by an s supramarked with \/ or /
underlining (e.g. Hit. pahhur) = various under-dotting, under-scoring, etc. of phonetic symbols not easily represented in standard computer character sets

< / fr. = from (e.g., MnE. fire < OE. fýr = 'modern English "fire" descends from Old English "fýr"')
> = becomes (e.g., OE. fýr > MnE. fire = 'Old English "fýr" becomes modern English "fire"')


~ = refers to word form cited before
F. = references to words in the Finnsburh Fragment
square and triangular brackets are used to indicate editorial emendations to cited forms

* (preceding the head-word) = hypothesised citation form of a word which is otherwise unattested
* (following the head-word) = words (or meanings) found only in poetry
** = words not found outside of Beowulf (in either poetry or prose)
(*) = word is incidentally found in prose (in Glosses or elsewhere) or when closely related words occur in prose
(**) = closely related words do occur in other poetical texts or prose
(**)+ = word is not found in poetry outside of Beowulf, but does occur elsewhere in prose
(**)(+) = word is found elsewhere in prose (but not poetry), but its usage in prose appears exceptional

note: *s in the body of an entry refer to unattested/reconstructed words/forms

adj. = adjective
adv. = adverb
prep. = preposition
conj. = conjunction
vb. = verb (/ verbal form)
negat. = negation
pron. = pronoun
pers. = personal
poss. = possessive
interj. = interjection
subst. = substantive
dem. /demon. = demonstrative
part. = particle
correl. = correlative
rel. / relat. = relative

roman numerals (I, II, III, IV, &c.) = class of strong/ablaut verbs
w1, w2, &c. = class of weak verbs
redup. = reduplicating verbal class
pret-pres. = preterite-present verbal class
anv. = anomalous verbs

tr./ trans. = transitive
intr./ intrans. = intransitive
impers. = impersonal (verb)
abs. = absolutive construction

pres. = present (tense)
pret. = preterite (past tense)
pp. = past participle
pres. ptc. = present participle
pluperf. = pluperfect (tense)
ger. = gerund
ind. = indicative (mood) [ordinary statements]
subj./subjunct. = subjunctive (mood) [hypothetical statements]
opt. = optative (mood) [expressing an option, wish or hope]
imp. = imperative (mood) [command]
inf. = infinitive

sg./pl. = singular/plural (number)
1,2,3 = first, second third person

nom. = nominative
acc. = accusative
instr. = instrumental
dat. = dative
gen. = genitive
voc. = vocative

part. = partitive
collect. = collective

adv. = adverb

m. = masculine (noun unless designated otherwise by 'adj.')
f. = feminine
n. = neuter
adj. = adjective (word, marked with m., f. or n., is a noun unless marked as adj.)
wk. = weak declension
indecl. = indeclinable
def. = definite
indef. = indefinite
-a, -i, -ja, &c. = stems for noun/adj. classes
-c. = consonantal-stem noun

n. / nom. = nominative
a. / acc. = accusative
i. / instr. = instrumental
d. / dat. = dative
g. / gen. = genitive

s. / sg. = singular
p. / pl. = plural

pron. = pronoun
pers. = personal
poss. = possessive
rel. / relat. = relative
dem. / demon. = demonstrative
subst. = substantive
num. = numeral
comp. = comparative
supl. = superlative
correl. = correlative

Cpd(s). = compound form(s)
ref. = referring, or reference (to)
w/ = with
cp. = compare (with)
collect. = collective
dial. = dialectal
obs. = obsolete
poet.= poetical use
arch. = archaic
fr. = from

pers. = person

(Ger. = Germanic)
Scand. = Scandinavian

Alb. = Albanian
Amer. = American English
Arm. = Armenian
Assyr. = Assyrian
Av. = Avestan
Bai. = Bavarian (German) [=bairisch]
Bang. = Bangani*
Brn. = Bréton (modern)
Byz. = Byzantine (= Middle Greek)
Dan. = (modern) Danish
Du. / Dut. = Dutch
Fr. = French
Frank. = Frankish
Gaul. = Gaulish
Ger. = (modern standard High) German
Gmc. = (Proto)-Germanic
Go. = Gothic
Gr. / Grk. = (ancient) Greek
Gyp. = Romany (Gypsy)
Hit. = Hittite
Hn. = Hindi[/Hindustani/Hindusthani]
IE. = (Proto-)Indo-European
Ice. / Icel. = Icelandic
Ir. = Irish
It. / Ital. = Italian
L./Lat. = Latin
LG. = Low German ('niederdeutsch')
LL. = Late Latin
Lett. = Lettic
Lith. = Lithuanian
Ltv. = Latvian
Luv. = Luvian
MDu. = Middle Dutch
ME. = Middle English
MHG. = Middle High German
MIr. = Middle Irish
ML. = Mediaeval Latin
MLG. = Middle Low German ('niederdeutsch')
MnE. / NE. = Modern/New English
MWe. = Middle Welsh
NE. / MnE. = Modern/New English
Nep. = Nepali
Nor. / Norw. = (modern) Norwegian
North. = (English) of the North (of England)
O.Dan. = Old Danish
OCS. = Old Church Slavic
OE. = Old English (Anglo-Saxon)
OFr. = Old French
OFris. = Old Frisian
OHG. = Old High German
O.Ice. = Old Icelandic
O.Ir. = Old Irish
ON. = Old Norse
O.Pruss. = Old Prussian
OS. = Old Saxon
O.Sw. = Old Swedish
Pa. = Pali
Pk. = Prakrit (Middle Indic)
Per. = (Old) Persian
Port. = Portuguese
Prov. = Provençal (French)
Rum. = Rumanian
Russ. = Russian
Sc. = Scottish (English)
SCr. = Serbo-Croatian
Sk. / Skt. = Sanskrit
Slav. = Slavic
Sp. / Span. = Spanish
Sw. = (modern) Swedish
Toch.-A = Tocharian A
Toch.-B = Tocharian B
Ved. = Vedic (Sanskrit)
W. / We. = Welsh
Yid. = Yiddish

*-note: for Bangani forms, O represents cardinal vowel 6 (IPA symbol = backwards 'c'), E represents cardinal vowel 3 (IPA Greek epsilon).

= from
> = becomes
* = unattested/reconstructed word/form

nb.: references to Watkins and Pokorny followed by numbers & roots (e.g., [Watkins 61:pa9wr/Pokorny peuór 828]), refers to the pg. number and entry heading in Watkins' & Pokorny's Indo-European dictionaries of roots

Abbi = Abbi, Anvita. 'Debate on Archaism of some select Bangani words'. Indian Linguistics 58(1997):1-14.

Adams = Adams, Douglas Q. Tocharian Historical Phonology and Morphology. New Haven (Connecticut): American Oriental Society, 1988.

Bailey & Ross = Bailey, H.W. & A.S.C. Ross. 'Path'. Transactions of the Philological Society 1961: 107ff.

Bammesberger = Bammesberger, Alfred. Beiträge zu einem etymologischen Wörterbuch des Altenglischen: Berichtigungen und Nachträge zum Altenglischen etymologischen Wörterbuch von Ferdinand Holthausen. Heidelberg: Carl Winter Universitätsverlag, 1979.

Barney = Barney, Stephen A. Word-Hoard. New Haven (Connecticut): Yale University Press, 1977.

Birkhan = Birkhan, H. Germanen und Kelten bis zum Ausgang der Römerzeit. Vienna: Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, 1970.

Bosworth-Toller (/ B.-T.) = Bosworth, Joseph and T. Northcote Toller. An Anglo-Saxon Dictionary. London: Oxford UP, 1898/1921.

Brøndel = Brøndel, V. 'Mots "scythes" en nordique primitif'. Acta Philologica Scandinavica 3 (1928): 1ff.

Buck = Buck, Carl D. A Dictionary of Selected Synonyms in the Principal Indo-European Languages. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1949.

Collinder = Collinder, Björn. Beowulf. [Swedish translation] Stockholm: Natur och Kultur, 1954.

Dunlapp = Dunlapp, A.R. 'Behen and behind'. American Speech 37 (1962).

Fowler = Fowler, Henry Watson with Sir Ernest Gowers. A Dictionary of Modern English Usage. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1987 [2nd rev. ed.; 1st ed., 1926].

Frings = Frings, T. 'Paida'. Paul und Braunes Beiträge 77 (1955): 221ff.

Gelling = Gelling, Margaret. 'The landscape of Beowulf'. Anglo-Saxon England 31(2002):7-11.

Grimm = Grimm, Jacob. Deutsche Mythologie. Göttingen: Dieterich, 1854 (3rd ed.)

Henle = Henle, Robert J., S.J. Latin Grammar. Chicago: Loyola Press, 1945.

Hirt = Hirt, Hermann. Handbuch des Urgermanischen. (1: Laut- u. Akzentlehre; 2: Stammbildungs- und Flexionslehre; 3: Abriss der Syntax). Heidelburg: Carl Winters Universitätsbuchhandlung, 1931-1934.

Huffines = Huffines, Marion Lois. 'OE áglaéce : magic and moral decline of monsters and men'. Semasia 1 (1974).

Holthausen-Goth = Holthausen, Ferdinand. Gotisches etymologisches Wörterbuch. Heidelberg: Carl Winters Uni., 1934.

Jente = Jente, Richard. Die mythologischen Ausdrücke im altenglischen Wortschatz. Heidelberg: Winter, 1921.

Kastovky = Kastovky, Dieter. 'Semantics and Vocabulary'. in The Cambridge History of the English Language, vol. 1: the beginnings to 1066. Richard M. Hogg, ed. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1992.

Kiernan = Kiernan, Kevin et al. (eds.). Electronic Beowulf. [2 CD-ROMs]. London & Ann Arbor (Michigan): The British Library & The University of Michigan Press, 1999. [2nd ed., 2003]

Klaeber = Klaeber, Frederick (ed.). Beowulf and the Fight at Finnsburg. Lexington, Massachusetts: D.C. Heath, 1950 (3rd ed. with 1st & 2nd supplements).

Kluge = Kluge, Friedrich with Elmar Seebold, et al. (eds.). Kluge: Etymologisches Wörterbuch der Deutschen Sprache (24., durchgesehene und erweiterte Auflage). Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, 2002 [24th. ed.].

Lerner = Lerner, L.D. 'Colour Words in Anglo-Saxon'. Modern Language Review 46 (1951).

Liddell = Liddell, Henry George & Robert Scott. An Intermediate Greek-English Lexicon. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1889.

Lindeman = Lindeman, Fredrik Otto. Introduction to the 'Laryngeal Theory'. Oslo: Norwegian University Press, 1988 (1st ed.). 2nd, revised & augmented edition, Innsbruck: Institut für Sprachwissenschaft der Universität Innsbruck, 1997.

Lindemann = Lindemann, J.W. Richard. Old English preverbal ge-: its meaning. Charlottesville: University Press of Virginia, 1970.

Looijenga = Looijenga, Jantina Helena. Runes around the North Sea and on the Continent AD 150-700: texts & contexts. Ph.d. thesis, University of Groningen, 1997.

McGregor = McGregor, R.S. The Oxford Hindi-English Dictionary. [Indian ed.] New Delhi: Oxford University Press, 1994.

Monier = Monier-Williams, Sir M. A Sanskrit-English Dictionary: etymologically and philologically arranged with special reference to cognate Indo-European languages. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1899. [reprinted with corrections, Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass, 2002]

Mossé = Mossé, Fernand. A Handbook of Middle English. James A. Walker, trans. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Uni. Press, 1952.

OED = Murray, James et al. (eds.). Oxford English Dictionary on CD-ROM. Oxford: Oxford Uni. Press, 1999 [2nd. ed.]

Peters = Peters, R.A. 'OE Ælf, -Ælf, Ælfen, -Ælfen'. Philological Quarterly (1963): 250-7.

Platts = Platts, John T. A dictionary of Urdu, classical Hindi, and English. London: W.H. Allen & Co., 1884 (reprinted, New Delhi: Munshiram Manoharlal Publishers, 1988 [2nd Indian ed.]).

Pokorny = Pokorny, Julius. Indogermanisches Etymologisches Wörterbuch. Bern: Francke, 1959.

Prokosh = Prokosh, Eduard. A Comparative Germanic Grammar. Philadelphia: Linguistic Society of America, 1939.

Rauch = Rauch, Irmengard. The Old Saxon Language: grammar, epic narrative, linguistic interference. New York: Peter Lang, 1992.

Ray = Ray, Basant Kumar. Old English Morphology and Indo-European: morphology of the Old English Noun and the Verb traced from Pro-ethnic Indo-Germanic. Dacca: University of Dacca, 1931.

Roberts & Kay = Roberts, Jane & Christian Kay with Lynne Grundy (eds.). A Thesaurus of Old English. London: King's College, London Mediaeval Studies XI, 1995 (2nd ed. - Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2000).

Schabram = Schabram, H. 'Stonc, Beowulf 2288'. in Festgabe für Hans Pinsker zum 70. Geburtstag. R. Acobian, ed. Vienna, 1979.

Von Schaubert = Heyne, Mortiz (ed.) & revised by Levin Schücking (ed.). further revisions by Else von Schaubert (ed.). Beowulf. Paderborn: Schöningh, 1963 (18th ed.).

Schmidt & Strunk = Schmidt, K.T. & K. Strunk. 'Toch. B kwipe "Scham, Schande", A kip "Scham", und germ. *wiba "Weib"'. in Indogermanica Europaea: Festschrift für Wolfgang Meid zum 60. Geburtstag am 12.11.1989. Karin Heller, Oswald Panagl, Johann Tischler, eds. Grazer linguistische Monographien, 4. Graz: Institut für Sprachwissenschaft der Universität Graz, 1989:251-84.

Seebold = Seebold, Elmar. 'Die Vertretung idg. *gwh- in Germanischen'. Zeitschrift für vergleichende Sprachforschung 81 (1967):104-133.

Sewell = Sewell, W.A.P. 'A Reading in Beowulf'. Times Literary Supplement: 11 Sept. 1924.

Sievers / Siev. = Sievers, Angelsächische Grammatik. 2nd ed., 1898. also trans. as An Old English Grammar by Albert S. Cook. Boston, 1903.

Sturtevant = Sturtevant, Edgar H. A Hittite Glossary: words of known or conjectured meaning with Sumerian and Akkadian words occurring in Hittite texts. William Dwight Whitney Linguistic series. (1st ed., Baltimore: Linguistic Society of America, 1933). Philadelphia: Linguistic Society of America, 1936 [2nd ed.].

Szemerényi = Szemerényi, Oswald J. L. 'Germanica I(1-5)'. Zeitschrift für vergleichende Sprachforschung 95(1979): 103ff.

Szemerényi(IE) = Szemerényi, Oswald J.L. Introduction to Indo-European Linguistics. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1996.

Taylor = 'Hroðgar and the Friends of Yng'. in Taylor, Paul Beekman, Sharing Story: Medieval Norse-English Literary Relationships. New York: AMS, 1998.

Tripp = Tripp, Raymond P., Jr. 'Beowulf 1314a: The Hero as Alfwalda, "Ruler of Elves"'. Neophilologus 70 (1986): 630-632.

Turner = Turner, Sir Ralph Lilley. A Comparative Dictionary of the Indo-Aryan Languages. London: Oxford University Press, 1966-1985. (reprinted, Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass, 1999)

Turner-Nepali = Turner, Sir Ralph Lilley. A comparative and etymological dictionary of the Nepali language. London: K. Paul, 1931. (reprinted, New Delhi: Allied Publisher, 1980) [online version available from Digital Dictionaries of South Asia, University of Chicago: http://dsal.uchicago.edu/dictionaries/turner/]

Voyles = Voyles, Joseph B. Early Germanic Grammar: pre-, proto-, and post-Germanic languages. San Diego (California): Academic Press, 1992.

Watkins = Watkins, Calvert (ed.). The American Heritage Dictionary of Indo-European Roots. Boston: Houghton-Mifflin, 2000 [2nd ed.].

Watkins-Dragon = Watkins, Calvert. How to Kill a Dragon: aspects of Indo-European poetics. New York: Oxford University Press, 1995.

Whitney = Whitney, William Dwight. The Roots, Verb-forms and Primary Derivatives of the Sanskrit Language (A Supplement to His Sanskrit Grammar). Leipzig: Breitkopf and Hartel & London: Trubner and Co., 1885 [reprinted, Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass, 1963].

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Woolf = Woolf, H.B. Old Germanic Principles of Name-Giving. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1939.

Woolf (1937) = Woolf, H.B. 'The Name of Beowulf'. Englische Studien 72 (1937).

Wright = Wright, Joseph (with O.L. Sayce). Grammar of the Gothic Language. Oxford: Clarendon, 1917 (2nd ed., 1954).

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Zoëga = Zoëga, Geir T. A Concise Dictionary of Old Icelandic. Oxford: Clarendon, 1910.

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