Beowulf on
tácen, n., token, sign, evidence; 833; ds. tácne, 141, 1654. [Go. taikns] --Cpd.: luf-.
talian, w2., suppose, consider (somebody or something to be such and such); pres. 1 sg. talige, 532 (claim, maintain), 677, 1845; 2 sg. talast, 594; 3 sg. talað, 2027. cp. tellan.
ge-taécan, w1., show, point out, assign; pret. 3 sg. getaéhte, 313, 2013. [teach; cp. tácen]
ge-taése, adj. -ja., agreeable; nsf., 1320.
te, 2922, see tó.
téar, m., tear (from weeping); np. -as, 1872. [Go. tagr; OHG. zahar, Ger. Zähre, Gr. δακρυ] --Cpd.: wollen-.
tela, adv., well, properly; 948, 1218, 1225, 1820, 2208, 2663, 2737. (always at the end of a b-line; excepting 2663, always in (Sievers) metrical type C) [til]
telge, see tellan.
tellan, w1., account, reckon, conside (somebody or something to be such and such); pres. 1 sg. telge, 2067; pret. 1 sg. tealde, 1773; 3 sg. ~, 794, 1810, 1936, 2641; 3 pl. tealdon, 2184. cp. talian. [tell]
ge-tenge, adj. -ja., lying on, close to (w/ dat.); asn., 2758.
teoh(h)*, f., company, band, troop; ds. teohhe, 2938. [cp. Ger. Zeche]
teohhian, w2., appoint, assign; pret. 1 sg. teohhode, 951; pp. geteohhod, 1300. [teoh(h); cp. Gr. ταχις 'arrranging', 'disposition of an army']
ge-téon, I (II),*, confer, bestow, grant; imp. sg. (wearne) getéoh, 366; pret. 3 sg. (onweald) getéah, 1044, (ést) ~, 2165. cp. of-téon.
téon, II, draw; téön, 1036 (lead); pret. 3 sg. téah, 553; pp. togen, 1288, 1439; take (a course), i.e. go (on a journey): pret. 3 sg. (-léade) téah, 1051, (-síðas) ~, 1332. [cp. tow, tug; Go. tiuhan] --Cpds.: á-, þurh-.
ge-téon, II, draw; pret. 3 sg. getéah, 1545, 2610; [3 pl. getugon, F. 15]
téon, w2. (or téogan, Sievers §415 n.5; inf. unrecorded), make, form; pret. 3 sg. téode, 1452; --furnish, provide, (dat., with); pret. 3 pl. téodan, 43.
ge-téon, w2., assign, allot; pres. 3 sg. getéoð, 2526; pret. 3 sg. getéode, 2295.
tíd, f. -i., time; as., 147, 1915. [tide; Ger. Zeit] --Cpds.: án-, morgen-.
til(*), adj., good; 61, till 2721; nsf. tilu, 1250; nsn. til, 1304. [Go. ga-tils; cp. OE. tela]
tilian, w2., w/ gen., strive after, earn, win, secure; 1823. [till; Go. -tilón, Ger. zielen; cp. OE. til]
timbran, w1., build (timber); pp. asn. timbred, 307. [Go. timrjan, Ger. zimmern] --Cpd.: be-.
tír*, m., glory, honour; gs. -es, 1654. [OS. tír, Ger. Zier; also the name of both a runic letter and the Germanic god of war (Ice. Týrr), equivalent to the Roman Mars, cf. MnE. Tuesday 'Tir's Day'; Siev. §58 n.1]
tír-éadig*, adj., glorious, famous; dsm. -éadigum, 2189.
tír-fæst*, adj., glrious, famous; 922.
tír-léas**, adj., inglorious, vanquished; gsm. -es, 843.
tíðian (tigðian), w2., grant; w/ dat. of pers. & gen. of thing: pp. nsn. (wæs) getíðad (impers.), 2284. [tithe]
I. prep. (1) w/ dat.; motion, direction: to, towards; 28, 124, 234, 270, 298, 313 (postpost.), 318, 323, 327, 360, 374, 383, 438, 553, 604, 641 (éode...sittan, 'by'), 720, 766, 919, 925, 1009, 1013, 1119, 1154, 1158, 1159, 1171, 1196, 1232, 1236, 1237, 1242 ('at'), 1251, 1279, 1295, 1310, 1374, 1506, 1507, 1561, 1578, 1623, 1639, 1640, 1654b (postpos.), 1782, 1804, 1815, 1836, 1888, 1895, 1917, 1974, 1983, 2010, 2019, 2039, 2048, 2117, 2363, 2368, 2815, 2892, 2960, 2992, 3136, [F. 14, 20]; ((ge)sittan) tó (rúne), 172, ~ (sym(b)le: 489, 2104, (cp. below: aim, object); w/ verb of thinking; 1138, 1139; w/ verbs of expecting, desiring, seeking, etc. (from, at, at the hands of): 158, 188, 525, 601, 647, 1207, 1272, 1990, 2494a, 2494b, 2922 (te), [F. 27], postpos.: 909, 1396, 3001; --aim, object: to, for, as; 14, 95, 379, 665, 971, 1021, 1186a, 1186b, 1472, 1654a, 1830, 1834, 1961, 2448, 2639, 2804, 2941, 2998, 3016; --weorðan tó, (turn to), become, 460, 587, 906, 1262, 1330, 1707, 1709, 2079, 2203, 2384, 2502; similarly, 1711a, 1711b, 1712; --tó sóðe, 'for certain', 'in truth', 51, 590, 2325; --time: at, in; 26; 933 (see feorh); 955, 2005, 2498 (see ealdor); 2432 (see líf). (2) w/ instr.; tó hwan (..wearð), 2071; tó þon, to that degree, so 1876; (næs ðá long) tó ðon þæt, until: 2591, 2845. (3) w/ gen.; tó þæs, to that degree, so, 1616; tó þæs þe, to (the point) where: 714, 1967, 2410; to the point that, until, so that: 1585. (4) w/ inf.: 316, 2556; w/ ger.: 174, 257, 473, 1003, 1419, 1724, 1731, 1805, 1851, 1922, 1941, 2093, 2416, 2445, 2452, 2562, 2644.
II. adv., (1) where a noun or pron. governed by prep. might be supplied, cp. postpos. tó; thereto, etc.; (stressed:) 1422, 1755, 1785, 2648. (2) too; before adj. or adv.: 133, 137, 191, 905, 969, 1336, 1742, 1930, 2093, 2289, 2461, 2684, 3085; similarly: 694, 2882. [Go. du, Ger. zu]
tó-, prefix, see the following words; (1) with accent (stress) it has the meaning of adv. tó (as in tócweðan 'forbid', tócuman 'arrive') [Ger. zu-] (2) without accent=asunder (as in tóbrecan 'break to pieces', tócínan 'split open'). [OHG. zar-, zir-, Ger. zer-]
tó-brecan, IV, break (to pieces), shatter; 780; pp. tóbrocen, 997.
tó-drífan, I, drive asunder, separate; pret. 3 sg. tódráf, 545.
tó-gædre, adv., together (in connexion w/ verb of motion); 2630. see æt-gædere.
I. adv., opposite (towards somebody); 1501.
II. prep., (w/ dat. preceding it), against, towards, to meet; 666, 1542, 1626, 1893; tógénes, 3114. cp. on-géan.
togen, see téon, II.
tó-glídan, I, (glide asunder), split (intr.); pret. 3 sg. tóglád, 2487.
tó-hlídan, I, crack, spring apart; pp. npm. tóhlidene, 999. [cp. MnE. lid fr. OE. hild]
tó-lúcan, II, pull asunder, destroy, dislocate; 781.
tó-middes, adv., in the midst; 3141.
torht(*), adj., bright, resplendent; asn., 313. [OS. torht, OHG. zor(a)ht; cf. Go. gatarhjan 'make distinct', Gr. δερκομαι] --Cpds.: heaðo-, wuldor-.
torn(*), n., (1) anger; ds. -e, 2401. (2) grief, affliction, trouble; as. torn, 147, 833; gp. torna, 2189. [Ger. Zorn] --Cpd.: lige-.
torn*, adj., grievous, bitter; supl. nsf. tornost, 2129.
torn-gemót**, n., hostile meeting; as., 1140.
tó-somne, adv., together (in connexion w/ idea of motion); 2568, [3122].
tó-weccan**, w1., (wake up), stir up; pret. 3 pl. tówehton, 2948.
tredan, V, tread, walk upon, traverse; 1964, 3019; pret. 3 sg. træd, 1352, 1643, 1881. [Go. trudan]
treddian(*), w2., step, go; pret. 3 sg. treddode, 725; tryddode, 922. [see tredan, trodu]
trem(m) (*), m. or n., step, space; as. (fótes) trem, 2525. ('Battle of Maldon' l.247: fótes trym)
tréow, f., truth, good faith, fidelity; gs. tréowe, 2922; as. ~, 1072. [Go. triggwa, OHG. triuwa]
tréowan, w1., w/ dat., trust; pret. 3 sg. tréowde, 1166. [trow] see truwian.
tréow-loga**, wk.m., one flase to pledged faith (troth), traitor; np. -logan, 2847. [léogan]
trodu(**)+, f., track, footrprint; ap.(s.?), trode, 843. [tredan]
trum, adj., strong; 1369. [MnE. trim (as in 'fit and trim')]
ge-trum, adj. -ja., troop, company; is. -e, 922.
truwian, w2. (3.), w/ dat. or gen., trust, have faith in; pret. 1 sg. truwode, 1993; 3 sg. ~, 669, 2370, 2953. cp. tréowan.
ge-truwian, w2. (3.), w/ dat. or gen., trust; pret. 3 sg. getruwode, 1533, 2322, 2540; --(w/ acc.) confirm, conclude (a treaty); pret. 3 pl. getruwedon, 1095. see truwian.
tryddian, see treddian.
trýwe, adj. -ja., true, faithful; 1165. [Go. triggws, OHG. triuwi] --Cpd.: ge-.
ge-trýwe, adj. -ja., true, faithful; 1228.
twá, see twégen.
ge-twaéfan*, w1., separate, part, put an end to; pp. getwaéfed, 1658; --w/ acc. of pers. & gen. of thing: hinder, restrain, deprive; inf., 479; pres. 3 sg. getwaéfeð, 1763; pret. 3 sg. getwaéfde, 1433, 1908. [cp. Go. tweifls]
ge-twaéman, w1., separate, hinder; 968 (w/ acc. of pers. & gen. of thing).
twégen, m., twá, f.(n.), num., twain, two; nm. twégen, 1163; am. ~, 1347; gm. twéga, 2532; dm. twaém, 1191; nf. twá, 1194; af. ~, 1095.
twelf, num., twelve; uninfl. (gm.): twelf (wintra), 147; nm. twelfa, 3170; am. twelfe, 1867; gm. twelfa, 2401. (lit. 'two left', meaning '(ten) and two left (over)')[Go. twa-lif]
twéone, distrib. num., two in dp.: be (saém) twéonum, between (the seas, = on earth), 858, 1297, 1685, 1956. [Go. tweihnai]
týdre, adj. -ja., weak, craven; npm., 2847. [O.Fris. teddre, Dut. teeder]
týn, num., ten; uninfl. (dm.): týn (dagum), 3159; nm. týne, 2847. [Go. taíhun] --Cpds.: féower-, fíf-týne.