Beowulf on
fácen, n., deceit, malice, crime; ds. faécne, 2009. [Go. faih]
fácen-stafas**, m.p., (baleful runes), treachery letters(?), treachery; ap., 1018. [cp. ON. feikn-stafir 'baleful-runes', 'crime'] see ár-stafas, ende-, rún-stæf.
fág, fáh, adj., (1) patterned, coloured; variegated, decorated; shining; nsm. fáh, 1038, 2671(?); nsf., 1459; nsn., 2701; asm. fágne, 725, fáhne 716, 927; asf. fáge, 1615; asn. fáh, 2217; npn. fáh, 305; dpn. fágum, 586. (2) blood-stained; nsm. fáh, 420(?), 2974, fág 1631 (nsn.?); nsn. fáh, 934, 1286, 1594; asm. fáhne, 447. [Go. faihs] --Cpds.: bán-, blód-, brún-, dréor-, gold-, gryre-, searo-, sinc-, stán-, swát-, wæl-, wyrm-.
fáh, fág, adj., (1) hostile, (foe); nsm. fáh, 420 (?), 554, 2671(?); asm. fáne, 2655; gpm. fára, 578, 1463; in a state of feud with (wið), nsm. fág. 811. (2) outlawed, guilty; nsm. fáh, 978, fág 1001, 1263. [Go. faihs 'deception'] --Cpd.: nearo-.
fámig-heals*, adj., foamy-necked; 1909; fámí-, 218.
(ge-)fandian, w2., search out, test, tamper with (w/ gen.); pp. gefandod, 2302;--experience (w/ acc. or gen.); pp. gefondad, 2454. [findan] see cunnian.
fáne, fára, see fáh.
faran, VI, go, proceed, fare; 124, 865, 2551, 2915, 2945; ger. farenne, [1805]; pret. 3 sg. fór, 1404, 1908, 2308; 3 pl fóron, 1895. [Go. faran, ON. OFris. fara, OHG. faran, Ger. fahren; cf. L. porta; Gr. πορος]
ge-faran, VI, proceed, act; 738.
faroð*, m. or n., current, sea; ds. -e, 28, 580, 1916. [faran] cp. waroð.
fæc, n., space of time; as., 2240. [Ger. Fach]
fæder, m. -c., father; 55, 262, 316, 459, 1609, 2048, 2608, 2928; gs. ~, 21, 188, 1479, 1950, 2059; gs. ~, 2429; as. ~, 1355. [Go. fadar, Ger. Vater, L. pater, Gr. πατηρ, Skt. pitr] --Cpds.: aér-, eald-.
fæder-æþelu*,, n. -ja.p., paternal rank/excellence; dp. -æþelum, 911. see æþelu.
fæderen-maég(**)+, m., paternal relative, kinsman on the father's side; ds. -e, 1263. [cp. Go. fadrein]
ge-fæg(?)**, adj., satisfactory, pleasing, dear; comp. gefægra, 915.
faége(*), adj. -ja., doomed to die, fated, near death; 846, 1241, 1755, 2141, 2975; gsm. faéges, 1527; dsm. faégum, 2077; asm. faégne, 1568; dead: dpm. faégum, 3026. [fey (Sc.); ON. fagr, Ger. feige] --Cpds.: déað-, un-.
fægen, adj., glad, rejoicing; npm., fægne, 1633. [fain; Go, faginón; cp. ge-féon]
fæger, faéger, adj., fair, beautiful; nsm., 1140; nsn. faéger, 773; asf. -e, 522; npm. -e, 866. [Go. fagrs] --Cpd.: un-.
fæg(e)re, faég(e)re, adv., fairly, pleasantly, fittingly, courteously; fægere, 1014, 1788; fægre, 1985, 2989.
ge-faégon, see ge-féon.
fægrian, w1., become fair, make beautiful; pres. subj. 3 sg. fægrie, [2253].
faéhð(o), f., feud, enmity, hostile act, battle; 2403, 3061, faéhðo 2999; gs. (or ds.) faéhðe, 109; ds. ~, 1537; as. ~, 459, 470, 595, 1207, 1333, 1340, 1380, 2513, 2619, 2949, faéghðe 2465; faéhðe ond fyrene, 13, 879 (ap.?), 2480, similarly, 153; gp. faéhða, 2689; ap. (s.?) faéhðo, 2489. [fáh. cp. feud, Ger. Fehde] --Cpd.: wæl-.
faélsian(*), w2., cleanse, purge; 432; pret. 3 sg. faélsode, 2352; pp. gefaélsod, 825, 1176, 1620. [faéle]
faémne, wk.f., maiden, woman; gs. faémnan, 2059; d.(a.?)s. ~, 2034.
fær, n., *vessel, ship; 33. [faran]
faér, m., sudden attack, danger, disaster; 1068, 2230. [fear; Ger. Gefahr, cf. Go. férja 'waylayer']
faér-gripe**, m. -i., sudden grip or attack; 1516; dp. -gripum, 738.
faér-gryre*, m. -i., (terror caused by) sudden attack, awful horror; dp. -gryrum, 174.
faéringa, adv., suddenly; 1414, 1988. [faér]
faér-níð**, m., hostile attack, sudden affliction; gp. -a, 476.
fæst, adj., fast, firm, fixed (often w/ dat.); nsm., 137, 636, 1007, 1290, 1364, 1742, 1878, 1906, 2243, 2901, 3045, 3072; nsf., 722, 2086; nsn., 303, 998; asm. -ne, 2069; asf. -e, 1096; asn. fæst, 1918; apm. -e, 2718. --Cpds.: ár-, blaéd-, gin-, sóð-, tír-, wís-. [ON. fastr, OFris. fest, OS. fast]
fæste, adv., fast, firmly; 554, 760, 773, 788, 1295, 1864 (or apm. of adj.?). Comp. fæstor ('more securely'), 143.
fæsten, n. -ja., fastness, stronghold; as., 104, 2333, 2950.
fæst-raéd, adj., firmly resolved; asm. -ne, 610.
fæt, n., vessel, cup; ap. fatu, 2761. [vat, (prob.) fr. Kent. dial.; Go. fétjan] --Cpds.: bán-, drync-, máðþum-, sinc-, wunder-.
faét(**), n., (gold) plate; dp. faétum, 2256, faéttum, 716. [see faéted]
faéted(*), adj. (pp. of *faétan), ornamented, (gold-)plated; nsn., 2701; gsn.wk. faéttan (goldes), 1093, 2246; dsn.wk. faéttan (golde), 2102; asn. faéted, 2253, 2282; apm. faétte, 333, faédda, 1750. [cp. Go. fétjan 'adorn']
faéted-hléor**, adj., with ornamented cheeks, i.e., with gold-plated headgear (or bridle); apm. -e, 1036.
faét-gold**, n., plated gold; as., 1921.
faéttan, faétte, see faéted.
faéttum, see faét.
fæðer-gearwe**, f. -wó.p., feather-gear; dp. -gearwum, [3119]. [gear fr. ON. gorvi]
fæþm, m., (outstretched) arms; dp. -um, 188; --embrace: ns. (líges) fæþm, 781; as. (similarly) ~, 185; ds. fæðme, [2128]; --bosom: as. (foldan) ~, 1393, (similarly,) 3049; --grasp, power: as. fæþm, 1210. [fathom; Go. faþa 'party-wall'] Cp. síd-fæþme(d).
fæðmian(*), w2., embrace, enfold; 2132; opt. 3 sg. fæðmie, 2652.
féa, adj. -wa.(-a.), pl., few, a few; gp. féara, 1412, 3061; dp. féaum, 1081; a. (w/ part. gen.: worda) féa, 2246, 2662. [Go. fawai, pl.; cp. Lat. paucus]
féa, 156, see feoh.
ge-féa, wk.m., joy; as. geféan (habban, w/ gen.), 562, 2740. [geféon]
ge-feah, see ge-féon.
fealh, ge-fealg, see (ge-)féolan.
feallan, redup., fall;1070; pret. 3 sg. féol, 772, [F. 41], féoll 2919, 2975; 3 pl. féollon, 1042. --cpd.: be-.
ge-feallan, redup., fall; 3 sg. gefealleð, 1755; --w/ acc., fall (on) to: pret. 3 sg. geféoll, 2100, 2834.
fealo, 2757, see fela.
fealu, adj. -wa., fallow; 'pale yellow shading into red or brown'; asf. fealwe (straéte, 'covered with pale yellow sand or gravel'), 916; apm. ~ (méaras, 'bay'), 865; 'yellowish green': asm. fealone (flód), 1950. --Cpd.: æppel-.
féa-sceaft(*), adj., destitute, poor, wretched; 7, 973; dsm. -um, 2285, 2393; npm. -e, 2373.
feax, n., hair of the head (collect.); ds. feaxe, 1647, fexe 2967. --Cpds.: blonden-, gamol-, wunden-.
ge-fégon, -feh, see ge-féon.
féhð, see fón.
fél, f., file; gp. -a, 1032. (=féol, fíl)
fela, n. -u., (indecl.), much, many, nearly always w/ part. gen. (pl. or sg.); 36, 992, 995, 1265, 1509, 1783, 2231, 2764, [fæla, F. 33]; as., 153, 164, 311, 408, 530, 591, 694, 809, 876, 929, 1028, 1060, 1411, 1425, 1525, 1577, 1837, 2003, 2266, 2349, 2426, 2511, 2542, 2620, 2631, 2738, [fæla, F. 25], fealo, 2757; --adv., much; 1385, 2102, 3025, 3029. [Go. filu, ON. fjol, OFris. felo, ful, OS. OHG. filo, filu, Ger. viel, OIr. il; cf. L. plús 'more'] --Cpd.: eal-. see worn.
fela-fricgende**, adj. (pres. ptc.), well-informed, wise; 2106. see gefricgan.
fela-geómor**, adj., very sad, solemn; 2950.
fela-hrór**, adj., very vigorous, strong; 27.
fela-módig**, adj., very brave; gpm. -ra, 1637, 1888.
fela-sinnig, adj., very sinful, very guilty; asm. felasinnigne, 1379.
fel(l), n., skin, fell; dp. fellum, 2088.
fen(n), n. -ja., fen, marshy region; ds. fenne, 1295; as. fen, 104. [Go. fani 'mire', ON. fen, OFris. fen(n)e, OS. feni, Du. veen, OHG. fenni 'marsh, swamp'; cf. Skt. panka- 'swamp']
fen-freoðo**, wk.f., fen-refuge; as. (ds.?), 851.
feng, m. -i., grasp, grip; 1764; as., 578. [fón] --Cpd.: inwit-.
(ge-)féng, see (ge-)fón.
fengel**, m., prince, king; 1400, 2156, 2345; vs., 1475. [cp. fón? see þengel]
fen-gelád**, n., difficult passage/path across water liable to be rendered impassable by flooding in a fen (Gelling 10); as., 1359. [líðan]
fen-hlið**, n., ?-fen-slope, marshy tract (but see Gelling 8-9); ap. -hleoðu, 820.
fen-hop**, n., remote or secret place/enclosure in a fen (Gelling 9-10); ap., -hopu, 764. [hope, arch.] (see mórhop)
féo, see feoh.
feoh, n., property, money, riches; ds. féo, 470, 1380, féa 156. [Go. faíhu 'property', OHG. feho, fihu 'animal', Ger. Vieh 'animal', OFris. fiá, OS. fehu, ON. fé < Gmc. *fehu- < IE. pek`u- 'wealth, moveable property, livestock' (Watkins 63:peku-/Pokorny 2. pek`- 798); cf. L. pecus 'cattle', L. pecúlium 'riches in cattle, private property', Lith. pekus, O.Pruss. pecku; cf. Skt. vírapça- 'abundance of men & livestock' < Skt. *víra-pçva- <- Skt. *pçva- < IE. *pk`w-o-; cf. MnE. feud < ML. feudum 'feudal estate' < Gmc. *fehu- 'wealth', MnE. fee < OFr. fie 'fief' < Gmc. *fehu- 'wealth']
feoh-gift**, f. -i., dispensing of treasure; costly gift; gs. -gyfte, 1025; dp. -giftum 21, -gyftum 1089. [Mn.E. gift probably fr. ON. gipt]
feoh-léas(**)+, adj., (money-less i.e.)** not to be atoned for with money, inexpiable; nsn., 2441.
ge-feoht, n., fight; 2441; ds. -e, 2048.
feohtan, III, fight; pret. 3 pl. fuhton, [F. 41].
ge-feohtan, III, fight; 1083.
feohte, wk.f.*, fight; as. feohtan, 576, 959.
féolan, III, penetrate, reach; pret. 3 sg. (inne) fealh, 1200, 1281. [Go. filhan.] --Cpd.: æt-.
ge-féon, V, w/ gen. or dat. (instr.), rejoice; pret. 3 sg. gefeah, 109, 1624; gefeh, 827, 1569, 2298; geféng, [2215]; 3 pl. gefaégon, 1014, gefégon 1627. [cf. Go. fahéþs
féond, m. -c., enemy, fiend, foe; 101, 164, 725, 748, 970, 1276; gs. féondes, 984, 2128, 2289; ds. féonde, 143, 439; as. féond, 279, 698, 962, 1273, 1864, 2706; gp. féonda, 294, 808, 903, 1152, fíonda 2671; dp. féondum, 420, 1669. [Go. fijands, ON. fjándi, OFris. OS. fíond, OHG. fíant, Ger. Feind]
féond-gráp**, f., enemy's grip or clutch; dp. -um, 636.
féond-scaða*, wk.m., enemy, hostile criminal; robber; 554. see sceaþa.
féond-scipe, m. -i., enmity, hostility; 2999.
feor(r), adv., far; feor, 42, 109, 542, 808, 1340, 1805, 1916; ~ ond néah, 1221, similarly, 2870; feorr, 1988 semi-adj., feor, 1361, 1921; far back (time): feor, 1701. [Go. faírra] --Comp. fyr, 143, 252.
feor-búend**, m. -c. [pl.], far dweller; vp., 254.
feor-cýþð(u)**, f., far country; np. -cýþðe, 1838. [cúð, kith]
feorh, m.n., life; 2123, 2424; gs. féores, 1433, 1942; ds. féore, 578, 1293, 1548, 3013, feore 1843 (age); tó wídan feore, ever, 933; as. feorh, 439, 796, 851, 1370, 1849, 2141, 2655, 2668, 2856, [F. 19], ferh 2706; in feorh dropen, 2981 ('mortally wounded', cp. aldor 1434); wídan feorh, ever, 2014; dp. féorum, 1306, feorum, 73; ap. feorh, 2040; --living being, body; ns. feorh, 1210; dp. féorum, 1152 ('life-blood'). see ealdor. [ON. fjor, OFris. ferch, OS. OHG. ferah 'life, soul, spirit'; cf. Go. fairhws 'world'] --Cpd.: geogoð-.
feorh-bealu*, n. -wa., (life-bale), deadly evil; 2077, 2537 (frécne); -bealo (~), 2250; as. ~, 156.
feorh-ben(n)**, f. -jó., life-wound, mortal wound; dp. -bennum, 2740.
feorh-bona(*), wk.m., (life-)slayer; ds. -bonan, 2465.
feorh-cyn(n)*, n. -ja., (life-race), race of men; gp. -cynna, 2266.
feorh-geníðla**, wk.m., life-enemy, deadly foe; ds. -geníðlan, 969; as. ~, 1540; dp. ~, 2933.
feorh-lást**, m., (life-track, i.e.) track of vanishing life, bloody trail; ap. -as, 846.
feorh-legu*, wk.f. (Siev. §§268, 279), **(allotted) life; as. -lege, 2800. [licgan; cp. law]
feorh-séoc**, adj., (life-sick), mortally wounded; 820.
feorh-sweng**, m. -i., life-blow, deadly swing; as., 2489.
feorh-wund**, f., life-wound, mortal wound; ds. -e, 2385.
feorm, f., feeding, sustenance, entertaining, taking care of; ds. feorme, 2385 (hospitality;); as. ~, 451. [cp. MnE. farm (obs.)]
feormend-léas**, adj., without a burnisher/cleanser/polisher; apm. -e, 2761.
(ge-)feormian, w2., *consume, eat up; pp. gefeormod, 744.
feormynd (=feormend), m. -c. (pres. ptc.), cleanser, polisher, burnisher; np., 2256. [MnE. farm (obs.)]
feorran(**)(+), w1., remove; 156. [feorr]
feorran, adv., from afar; 430, 825, 1370, 2808, 2889, 3113; ~ cumen, 361, 1819; ~ ond néan, 839; néan ond ~, 1174, 2317; from far back (time): 91, 2106.
feorran-cund(**), adj., of a far country; dsm. -um, 1795.
feor-weg, m., far way, (pl.:) distant parts; dp. (of) feorwegum, 37.
féower, num., four; 59, 1637, 2163; a., 1027. [Go. fidwór, ON. fjórir, frjogur, OFris. fiówer, fiúwer, fiár, OS. fiuwar, fior, OHG. fior, Ger. vier; Gr. τετορες, L. quattuor, Gaul. petor-, OIr. cethir, Skt. catváras]
féower-týne, num., fourteen; 1641.
féran, w1., (go to), reach, attain, bring about, (fare); w/ acc.: pres. opt. 3 sg. gefére, 3063; pret. 3 pl. geférdon, 1691; pp. geféred, 2844; --w/ þæt-clause: pp. geféred, 1221, 1855.
fére, adj., able to go, fit (for military service); 457.
fergend, m., leader; gp. 2882.
ferh, se feorh.
ferhð*, m.n., mind, spirit, heart; gs. -es, 1060; ds. -e, 754, 948, 1166, 1718; dp. -um, 1633, 3176. [cp. feorh] --Cpds.: collen-, sárig-, swíð-, wíde-.
ferhð-frec**, adj., bold in spirit; asm.wk. -an, 1146. [see freca]
ferhð-geníðla**, wk.m., deadly foe; as. -geníðlan, 2881.
ferh-weard**, f., guard over life; as. -e, 305. see feorh.
ferian, w1., carry, lead, bring, (ferry); pres. 2 pl. ferigeað, 333; pret. 3 pl. feredon, 1154, 1158, fyredon 378; opt. 3 pl. feredon, 3113; pp. npm. geferede, 361. [ferry; Go. farjan] --Cpds.: æt-, of-, oð-.
ge-ferian, w1., carry, (ferry); 1638; imp. (adhort.) 1 pl. ~, 3107; pret. 3 pl. geferedon, 3130.
fetel-hilt**, n.f., linked hilt, hilt furnished with a ring of chain (Stjerna 25); ap. (asf.?) (þá) fetelhilt, 1563. see hilt.
fetian, w2., fetch; pp. fetod, 1310.
féþa, wk.m., band of foot-soldiers, troop, host, infantry; 1424; ds. féðan, 2497, 2919; np. ~, 1327, 2544. see féþe. --Cpd.: gum-.
féþe, n. -ja., going, pace; ds., 970. [OS. fáði, fóði. nb: NOT related to OE fót]
féþe-cempa**, wk.m., foot-warrior; 1544, 2853.
féðe-gest*, m. -i., foot-guest or -warrior; dp. -um, 1976.
féþe-lást*, m., walking-track, step; dp. -um, 1632.
féðe-wíg*, n. (or m.), fight on foot; gs. -es, 2364.
fex, see feax.
fíf, num., five; uninfl. g., 545; a. fífe, 420, [fíf, F. 41]. [Go. fimf, ON. fimm, OFris. OS. fíf, OHG. fimf, finf, funf, Ger. fünf; L. quínque (< *penque), Gall. pempe-, Gr. πεντε, Skt. panca]
fífel-cyn(n)**, n. -ja., race of monsters, giants, sea-monsters(?); gs. fífelcynnes, 104. [cp. ON. fífl]
fíftig, num., w/ gen., fifty; gs. fíftiges, 3042; a. fíftig (wintra), 2209, 2733.
fíf-týne, num., fifteen; g. fíftýna, 207; a. fýftýne, 1582.
Fin(n), m., king of the East Frisians; Fin, 1096, 1152; gs. Finnes, 1068, 1081, 1156; ds. Finne, 1128; as. Fin, 1146.
findan, III, find; 207, 1156, 1378, 1838, 2294, 2870, 3162 (devise); pret. 1 sg. fond, 2136, funde 1486; 3 sg. fand, 719, 870, 2789; pp. funden, 7; --w/ acc. & inf.; pret. 3 sg. fand, 118, 1267, fond 2270, funde 1415; 3 pl. fundon, 3033; --w/ æt, obtain from, prevail upon; inf. findan, 2373. [Go. finþan, OFris. finda, OS. findan, OHG. fintan; cf. Gr. πατος 'path', Skt. panthá- 'way, path, road'] --Cpd.:on-.
finger, m., finger; np. fingras, 760; gp. fingra, 764; dp. fingrum, 1505; ap. fignras, 984. [Go. figgrs, ON. fingr, OFris. finger, OS. OHG. fingar, Ger. Finger]
Finnas, m.p., Finns (Lapps); gp. -a, 580.
Finns-buruh, f. -c., Finn's castle; [F. 36].
fíond, see féond.
fíras*, m. -ja.p., men, mankind; gp. fíra, 91, 2001, 2286, 2741. [cp. feorh]
firen, see fyren.
firgen-, see fyrgen-.
Fitela, wk.m., nephew (and son) of Sigemund; 879, 889. [ON. Sinfjolti, OHG. Sintarfizzilo; (kenning for 'wolf' - OE. Fitela shortened from the compound form as found in OHG. & ON.)]
flaésc, n., flesh; ds. -e, 2424.
flaésc-homa(*), wk.m., body; as. -homan, 1568. see líc-homa.
flán, m. (or f.), arrow; ds. -e, 2438, 3119 (arrowhead).
flán-boga**, wk.m., arrow-bow; ds. -bogan, 1433, 1744.
fleah, see fléon.
fléam, m., flight; as., 1001, 2889. [cp. fléon]
fléogan, II, fly; pres. 3 sg. fléogeð, 2273, [F. 3].
fléon, II, flee; 755, 764; fléön 820; --w/ acc., fléön, 1264; pret. 3 sg. fléah, 2224. [Go. þliuhan, OS. fliohan, Ger. fliehen] --Cpds.: be-, ofer-.
fléotan, float, swim, sail; 542; pret. 3 sg. fléat, 1909.
flet(t), n. -ja., (1) floor (of a 'hall'); as. flet, 1540, 1568. (2) hall; ns., 1976; ds. flette, 1025; as. flet, 1036, 1086, 1647, 1949, 2017, 2054, flett 2034. see heal(l), sele. [cp. flat, influenced by adj. flat fr. ON. flatr]
flet-ræst**, f. -jó.(?), (hall-rest), couch in the hall; as. -ræste, 1241.
flet-sittend(e)*, m. -c. (pres. ptc.) [pl.], sitter in the hall; dp. -sittendum 1788; ap. -sittende, 2022.
flet-werod**, n., hall-troop; 476.
fliht, m. -i., flight, flying; 1765. [Go. þlauhts, cf. fléogan]
ge-flit, n., contest, rivalry, quarrel, dispute; as., (on) geflit, 865. [flítan]
flítan, I, contend, compete; pres. ptc. npm. flítende, 916; pret. 2 sg. flite, 507. [flite, flyte (dial.); cp. Ger. Fleiss] --Cpd.: ofer-.
flód, m., flood; 545, 580, 1361, 1422, 1689; gs. -es, 42, 1516, 1764; ds. -e, 1366, 1888; as. flód, 1950, 3133; gp. -a, 1497, 1826, 2808. [Go. flódus, ON. flød(r), OFris. OS. flód, OHG. fluot (ds.), Ger. Flut]
flód-ýþ**, f. -jó., flood-wave, wave of the sea; dp. -um, 542.
flór, m., floor; ds. flóre, 1316; as. flór, 725.
flota, wk.m., ship, boat; 210, 218, 301; as. flotan, 294. ['floater' cp. fléotan] --Cpd.: wég-.
flot-here*, m. -ja., sea-army, naval force; ds. -herge, 2915. [cp. flota] see scip-here.
(ge-)flýman, w1., put to flight; pp. geflýmed, 846, 1370. [fléam]
folc, n., folk, people, nation; (the pl. sometimes used w/ sg. meaning); gs. folces, 1124, 1582, 1932, [F. 9]; ~ hyrde, 610, 1832, 1849, 2644, 2981, [F. 46], similarly, 2513; ds. folce, 14, 465, 1701, 2377, 2393, 2595; as. folc, 463, 522, 693, 911, 1179; np. folc, 1422, 2948; gp. folca, 2017, (fréawine) ~: 2357, 2429, similarly, 430; dp. folcum, 55, 262, 1855. --Cpds.: big-, sige-.
folc-ágend(e)*, m. -c. (pres. ptc.), leader of a people, chief; npm. -ágende, 3113 (or ds.?). see 512.
folc-cwén**, f. -i., folk-queen; 641.
folc-cyning*, m., folk-king; 2733, 2873.
folc-réd*, m., public benefit, what is good for the people; as., 3006.
folc-riht, n., folk-right, legal share of the 'common' estate; gp. -a, 2608 (possessions).
folc-scaru*, f., folk-share, public land; ds. -scare, 73.
folc-stede*, m. -i., folk-stead; dwelling-place; as., 76; battle-place, as., 1463.
folc-toga*, wk.m., folk-leader, chief; np. -togan, 839. [téon, II]
Folc-walda, wk.m., father of the Finn; gs. -an, 1089. [cf. 2595]
fold-bold**, n., building; 773.
fold-búend(e)*, m. -c. (pres. ptc.) [pl.], man, earth-dweller, inhabitant of the earth; np. búend, 2274; -búende, 1355; dp. -búendum, 309.
folde(*), wk.f., earth, ground; gs. foldan, 96, 1137, 1393; ds. ~, 1196; as. ~, 1361, 2975.
fold-weg*, m., way, path; as., 1633; np. -wegas, 866.
folgian, w2., w/ dat., follow, pursue; pret. 3 sg. folgode, 2933; opt. 3 pl. folgedon, 1102.
folm(*), f., hand; ds. -e, 748; as. -e, 970, 1303; dp. -um, 158, 722, 992; ap. -a, 745. --Cpds.: beadu-, gearo-.
fón, redup., grasp, grapple, seize; 439 (wið); pres. 3 sg. féhð (tó), 1755; pret. 3 sg. féng (tógéanes), 1542; --receive; pret. 3 sg. féng (w/ dat.), 2989. [Go. fahan, ON. fá, OFris. fá (< *fuán), OS. OHG. fáhan (< *fanhan), Ger. fangen; cf. L. pango, pax, Gk. πηγνυμι--Cpds.: be-, on-, þurh-, wið-, ymbe-.
ge-fón, redup., w/ acc., seize, grasp; pret. 1 sg. geféng, 3090; 3 sg. ~, 740, 1501, 1537, 1563, 2609.
fondian, see fandian.
for, prep.
I. w/ dat. (1) before, in front of, in the presence of: 169(?), 358, 1026, 1120, 1649, 2020, 2501(?), 2781(?). (2) for, out of, because of, on account of; 110 (w/ instr.), 169, 338, 339, 382, 434, 458, 462, 508, 509, 832, 965, 1206, 1515, 1796, 2223, 2501(?), 2549, 2781(?), 2835, 2926, 2966; w/ murnan: 1442, 1537; in return for, 385, 951, [2385].
II. w/ acc., for, as, in place of; for (sunu), 947, 1175; (né...) for (wiht), 2348. see fore. [Go. faúr, Ger. vor]
foran, adv., before, in front; 984, 2364; (fig.:) 1458. --Cpd.: be-.
for- (unstressed), fore- (stressed), prefix, see the following words. denotes loss or destruction (e.g. fordón, forgiefan), or is intensitive or pejorative (e.g. forbærnan). It is NOT connected with the prep. 'for'. [Ger. ver-].
for-bærnan, w1., cause to burn, burn up (trans.); 2126.
for-beran, IV, forbear, restrain; abstain from; suffer, endure; 1877.
for-berstan, III, burst asunder (intr.), snap; pret. 3 sg. forbærst, 2680.
for-byrnan, III, burn up (intr.); pret. 3 sg. forbarn, 1616, 1667, forborn 2672.
ford, m., ford, **water-way (sea); as., 568. (cp. Lat. vadum also used of 'body of water')
I. adv., therefore, for it; 136.
II. prep., w/ dat., (1) before, in the presence of; 1064, 1215. (2) on account of, 2059.
fore-maére, adj. -ja., very famous, illustrious; supl. foremaérost, 309.
fore-mihtig(*), adj., very powerful; 969.
fore-snotor**, adj., very prudent, very clever; npm. foresnotre, 3162.
fore-þanc, m., forethought; 1060.
for-gifan, V, give, grant; pret. 3 sg. forgeaf, 17, 374, 696, 1020, 1519, 2492, 2606, 2616, 2997.
for-grindan, III, grind to pieces, crush (w/ dat. of person); pret. 1 sg. forgrand, 424; --destroy, consume (w/ acc.); pp. (glédum) forgrunden, 2335, 2677.
for-grípan, I, w/ dat. of person, crush to death; pret. 3 sg. forgráp, 2353. [gripe]
for-gyldan, III, repay, pay for, requite; 1054, 1577, 2305, [F. 39]; pret. 1 sg. (-léan) forgeald, 2094; 3 sg. forgeald, 2968, ([-]léan) ~, 114, 1541, 1584; pp. forgolden, 2843; recompense, reward (w/ pers. object): pres. opt. 3 sg. forgylde, 956.
for-gýman, w1., neglect, be unmindful of; pres. 3 sg. forgýmeð, 1751.
for-gytan, V, forget; pres. 3 sg. forgyteð, 1751.
for-habban, w3., hold oneself back, restrain oneself, forbear; (n meahte...) forhabban, 1151, 2609.
for-healdan, redup., disregard, come short in one's duty towards, rebel against, forsake, ("forhold", obs.); pp. forhealdan, 2381.
for-hicgan, w3., despise, scorn; pres. 1 sg. forhicge (w/ þæt-clause), 435.
forht, adj., afraid; 754, 2967. [Go. faúrhts; cp. fright from fyrhtu] --Cpd.: un-.
for-lácan*, redup., mislead, betray; seduce; pp. forlácen, 903.
for-laédan, w1., lead to destruction; pret. 3 pl. forlaéddan, 2039.
for-laétan, redup., leave, let (go), relinquish, surrender, abandon; ("forlet"); 792 (let go); pret. 3 sg. forlét, 2787; --w/ acc. & inf.: ~, 970; 3 pl. forléton, 3166.
for-léosan, II, w/ dat., lose, abandon, let go, ("forlese"); pret. 3 sg. forléas, 1470, 2861; pp. forloren, 2145. [Go. fraliusan] [see losian]
forma, adj. supl., first; forma (síð), 716, 1463, 1527, 2625; ds. forman (síðe), 740, 2286, [F. 19]; ~ (dógore), 2573. [Go. fruma; cp. former] --Supl. fyrmest, 2077. [cp foremost]
for-niman, IV, take away, carry off; destroy; pret. 3 sg. fornam, 488, 557, 695, 1080, 1123, 1205, 1436, 2119, 2236, 2249, 2772; w/ dat.: 3 pl. fornámon, 2828.
for-scrífan, I, w/ dat., proscribe, condemn; pp. forscrifen, 106. [see scrífan. cp. Lat. proscribere]
for-sendan(**)+, w1., send away, dispatch, put to death; pp. forsended, 904. see forsíðian.
for-sittan, V, fail, diminish (intr.); pres. 3 sg. forsiteð, 1767.
for-síðian**, w2., journey astray (to destruction), perish; pp. forsíðod, 1550.
forst, m., frost; gs. -es, 1609.
for-standan, VI, (1) withstand, hinder, prevent; pret. 3 sg. forstód, 1549; opt. 3 sg. forstóde, 1056. (2) defend (w/ dat., against); inf., 2955.
for-swápan*,redup., sweep away/off; pret. 3 sg. forswéop, 467, [2814]. [swoop]
for-swelgan, III, swallow up; pret. 3 sg. forswealg, 1122, 2080.
for-sw(e)orcan, III, become dark/dim; pres. 3 sg. forsworceð, 1767.
for-swerian(**)+, VI, w/ dat., (forswear), (swear away i.e.) **render useless by a spell; pp. forsworen, 804.
forð, adv., forth, forward, on(ward), away; 45, 210, 291, 612, 745, 903, 948 (henceforth), 1162, 1179, 1632, 1718, 1795, 1909, 2069 (forð sprecan, 'go on speaking'), 2266, 2289, [2959], 2967, 3176, [F. 5]. [Go. faúrþis, OS. forð, Ger. fort]
for-ðám, for-ðan, forðon, (1) adj., therefore; forþan, 679, 1059; forðon, 2523, 3021(?); forðám, 149. (2) conj., because, since, for; forðám, 149(?), 1957, 2644 (MS. forðá), 2741(?) (MS. forðá); forþan, 418, 1336; forðon, 2349, 3021(?); forþon þe, 503. --(Sometimes apparently used as a loose connective, 'so', 'indeed'.)
forð-gerímed(**), pp. of -ríman, w1., counted up, in total, all-told; npn., 59.
forð-gesceaft*, f. -i., future state, destiny; as., 1750.
forð-gewiten, pp. of -gewítan, I, departed, (gone forth, i.e.), dead; dsm. -um, 1479.
forðleoð**, n., song of departure, death-dirge; as. f[orð]leoð, [1424] (usually restored as f[yrd]leoð 'war-song').
for-ðon, see forðám.
for-þringan(**)(+), III, **rescue, protect (w/ dat., from); 1084.
forð-weg*, m., way forth; as., 2625.
for-weorpan, III, throw away; pret. opt. 3 sg. forwurpe, 2872.
for-wrecan, V, drive away, banish; 1919; pret. 3 sg. forwræc, 109.
for-wrítan**, I, cut through; pret. 3 sg. forwrát, 2705 (n.).
for-wyrnan, w1., refuse, (w/ dat. of pres. & þæt-clause or gen. of thing); pres. opt. 2 sg. forwyrne, 429; pret. 3 sg. forwyrnde, 1142. [wearn]
fót, m. -c., foot; gs. fótes, 2525; dp. fótum, 500, 1166; ap. fét, 745. [Go. fótus, ON. fótr, OFris. OS. fót, OHG. fuoz, Ger. Fuß; L. pés (gen. pedis), Gr. πους, Skt. pád-]
fót-gemearc**, n., foot-mark, length of a foot; gs. -es, 3042.
fót-lást(**)+, m., foot-print, track; as., 2289.
fracod, adj., bad, useless; nsf., 1575. [cúþ; cp. Go. fra-kunnan 'despise'; see Siev. §43 & n.4]
fram, from,
I. prep., w/ dat., from; (motion:) away from; fram, 194, 541, 543, 775, 855, 2366, postposit.: 110; from, 420, 1635, postposit.: 1715;--(origin, source); fram, 2565; of, concerning: fram, 581, 875, from 532.
II. adv., forth, away; fram, 754, from 2556. [Go. fram]
Francan, wk.m.p., Franks; gp. Francna, 1210; dp. Froncum, 2912. ['spear-men' (cf. OE. franca 'spear')?? or 'freeman'? or 'bold ones'?; cf. Hn. firangí (arch.) 'European, Westerner' < P. firinghi < Gr. frangos < Gmc. frank]
ge-fraége*, n. -ja., information through hearsay; is.: míne gefraége, as I have heard say, 776, 837, 1955, 2685, 2837. [ge-fricgan]
(ge-)frægn, see (ge-)frignan.
(ge-)frægnian, w2., make famous, infamous pp. gefægnod, 1388.
frætwan, w1., adorn, make beautiful; 76. [Go. -fratwjan]
frætwe, f. -wó.p., ornaments, trappings, decorated arms/armour, precious things, treasure; gp. frætwa, 37, 2794, 3133; dp. frætwum, 2054, 2163, 2784, 2989, frætewum, 962; ap. frætwe, 214, 1207, 1921, 2503, 2620, 2919, frætwa 896. [cp. taw (dial., obs.) 'prepare, adorn' (frætwe < fræ- 'for-' + tawa)]
fréa*, wk.m., lord, king; god; 2285; gs. fréan, 2853; gs. or ds.: fréan, 500, 1166 (prob. dat., see 1684 f.); ds. fréan, 291, 641, 2662, fréän, 271; as. fréan, 351, 1319, 2537, 3002, 3107; --(the Lord) God, Frea(?) (Germanic deity corresponding to ON. Freyr?): gs. ~, 27; ds. ~ (ealles), 2794. [OFris. frá, OS. fráo, fróo, OHG. fró; cp. Go. frauja 'lord', OS. fróio 'lord'; cp. ON. Freyr 'pr. name of deity' (< pre-ON. Frawa-ráðaR), ON. Freyja 'pr. name of a goddess'] --Cpds.: ágend-, líf-, sin-.
fréa-drihten*, m., lord and master; gs. -drihtnes, 796. see fréo-.
Fréa-waru, f., daughter of Hróðgár; as. -e, 2022. [fréa 'lord'; waru '(watchful) care' - altered from orig. Hrút? 'doe' - see Malone 1937a, 1956a] (cp. 'Liber Vitae': Berct-, Ecg-, Hroth-, Sig-waru)
fréa-wine**, m. -i., (friend and) lord; ~ (folca), 2357, 2429; as. ~, 2438. see fréo-.
fréa-wrásn**, f., (lordly, i.e.) splendid chain/band; dp. -um, 1451.
freca(*), wk.m., bold one, *warrior; 1563. [cp. ferhð-frec; freck, frack, dial.; Ger. frech] --Cpds.: gúð-, hild-, scyld-, sweord-, wíg-.
frécne, adj. -ja., (1) daring, audacious; dsf.wk. frécnen, 1104; asf. frécne, 889. (2) terrible, fearful, dangreous; nsm. frécne, 2689; nsn. ~, 2250, 2537; asf. ~, 1378; asn. ~, 1359, 1691.
frécne, adv., daringly, terribly, severely; 959, 1032.
fremde, adj. -ja., foreign, alien, estranged (w/ dat.); nsf., 1691. [Go. framaþeis, Ger. fremd]
freme*, adj. -i., vigorous, lusty; good, excellent; nsf. fremu, 1932. [from, adj.]
fremman, w1., (1) further (w/ pers. obj.); 1832. (2) do, perform; abs.: pres. opt. 3 sg. fremme, 1003; --w/ obj.: inf., [101], 2499, 2514, 2627, [F. 9]; pres. 3 sg. fremeð, 1701; imp. pl. fremmað, 2800 (attend to); pret. 3 sg. fremede, 3006; 1 pl. fremedon, 959; 3 pl. ~, 3, 1019; opt. 1 sg. fremede, 2134. [from, adj.]
ge-fremman, w1., (1) furhter, advance (w/ pers. obj.); pret. opt. 3 sg. gefremede, 1718. (2) do, perform, accomplish; inf., 636, 1315, 2449, 2674; ger. gefremmanne, 174, 2644; pret. 3 sg. gefremede, 135, 165, 551, 585, 811, 1946, 2004, 2645; 1 pl. gefremedon, 1187; 3 pl. ~, 2478; opt. 3 sg. gefremede, 177, 591, 1552; pp. gefremed, 476, 954 (brought about, w/ þæt-clause); asf. gefremede, 940.
fréo-burh**, f. -c., (free, i.e.) noble town; city; as., 693.
fréod*, f., friendship; gs. fréode, 2556; as. ~, 2476, fréoðe, 1707. [cp. fréogan]
fréo-drihten, -dryhten, *, m., noble(/dear) lord; ds. -dryhtne, 2627; vs. -drihten, 1169. see fréa-.
fréogan, w2., *love; 948; pres. opt. 3 sg. fréoge, 3176. [cp. fréond; MnE. free, Go. frijón 'to love', Go. frijei 'free'; cf. W. rhydd 'free', Skt. priya 'dear', Av. friya 'dear']
fréo-líc(*), adj., noble, excellent; nsn., 615; [asn., F. 19]; nsf. -licu, 641.
fréond, m. -c., friend; 2393; as. ~, 1385, 1864; gp. -a, 1306, 1838; dp. -um, 915, 1018, 1126. [Go. frijond, Ger. Freund; Slav. priyatel 'friend'; cp. Skt. prí 'to endear', Hn. priya 'love']
fréond-lár**, f. friendly counsel (lore); dp. -um, 2377.
fréond-laþu**, f., friendship, kindness, invitation; 1192. (cp. Hávamál [Elder Edda] 4: þjóðloð 'hearty welcome (cheer)')
fréond-scipe, m. -i., friendship; as., 2069.
freoðo, wk.f. (m -u., Siev. §§271, 279), protection, safety, peace; gs., 188. [cf. Ger. Friede]. --Cpd.: fen-.
freoðo-burh(**)+, f. -c., town affording protection, stronghold (perh. orig. ref. to 'the sacred peace attaching to the king's dwelling'); as., 522.
freoðo-wong**, m., field of refuge, fastness; as., 2959.
freoðu-webbe*, wk.f., peace-weaver; 1942.
fréo-wine**, m. -i., noble(/dear) friend; vs. ~ (folca), 430.
Frésan, Frýsan, wk.m.p., Frisians, West Frisians: gp. Frésna, 2915; dp. Frýsum, 1207, 2912; --East Frisians: gp. Frésena, 1093, Frýsna 1104.
Frés-cyning, m., king of the (West) Frisians; ds. -[e], 2503.
Frés-lond, n., Friesland, Frisia; land of the West Frisians; dp. Fréslondum, 2357; --land of the East Frisians: as. Frýsland, 1126.
Frés-wæl, n., Frisian battle-field; ds. -e, 1070.
fretan, V, eat up, devour, consume; 3014, 3114; pret. 3 sg. fraét, 1581. [Go. fra-itan, Ger. fressen; fret, dial.]
fricgan(*), V, ask, question; fricgcean, 1985. [cp. frignan] --Cpd.: fela-fricgende.
ge-fricgan(*), V, learn (orig., 'by inquiry'), hear of; pres. 1 sg. gefricge, 1826; 3 pl. gefricgeað, 3002; opt. 3 pl. gefricgean, 2889.
friclan(*), w1., w/ gen., desire, ask for; 2556. [cp. freca]
frignan, frínan, III, ask, inquire; frínan, 351 (w/ acc. of pers. & gen. of thing); imp. sg. frín, 1322; pret. 3 sg. frægn, 236, 332, 1319, [F. 22, 46]. [cp. OE. fricgan; Go. fraíhnan, ON. fregna, OS. OHG. fregnan, Ger. fragen; Skt. pracch-, Toch.-A. pärk, prak, Toch.-B. prek 'to request']
ge-frignan, III, learn, (orig., 'by inquiry'), hear of; pret. 1 sg. gefrægn, 575; 3 sg. ~, 194; 1 pl. gefrúnon, 2; 3 pl. ~, 70, gefrungon 666; pp. gefrægen, 1196, gefrúnen 694, 2403, 2952. --Followed by inf.: pret. 1 sg. gefrægn, 74; by acc. & inf.: ~, 1011 (gefrægen), 1027, 2484, [2694], 2752, 2773, [F. 37]; 3 pl. gefrúnon, 1969. cp. fricgan.
frioðo-waér*, f., compact of peace; gs. frioðowaére, 2282; as. frioðuwaére, 1096. [etym. for frioðo-, see below under friðu-sibb]
friðu-sib(b)**, f. -jó., pledge of peace; peace-bringer; friðusibb folca, 2017. [Go. *friþus (in pr. names Friða-reiks, Fridinandus, Fredumírus), ON. friðr, OFris. frethe, ferd, OS. friðu, freðo, OHG. fridu, Ger. Friede; cp. Skt. príti- 'pleasure']
fród(*), adj., wise, old ('old and wise'); 279, 1306, 1366, 1844, 2209, 2513, 2625, 2950; (wintrum) ~, 1724, 2114, 2277; nsm.wk. -a, 2928; dsm.wk. -an, 2123; asf. -e, 2800 (Kemble: fróde, adv., 'prudently') [Go. fróþs 'clever, wise', ON. fróðr, OFris. OS. fród, OHG. fruot 'old, wise'; cp. Lith. próta-s 'mind, reason']. --Cpds.: in-, un-.
Fróda, wk.m., Heaðo-Bard chief, father of Ingeld; gs. -an, 2025. [fród 'wise' ('old')]
frófor, f., consolation, solace, relief, help; frófor 2941; gs. frófre, 7, 628, 973, 1273, frófor 698 (masc.?).
from, prep. (adv.), see fram.
from, adj., strenuous, bold, brave; 2527; npm. frome (fyrdhwate): 1641, 2476; dpf. fromum (splendid), 21. --Cpds.: síð-, un-.
fruma, wk.m., beginning; originator; maker, doer; chief; 2309. [Go. fruma, OFris. OS. forma, Lit. pìrma-s, Lat. primus; cf. Gr. πραμος 'leader', MHG. vrum 'good'] --Cpds.: daéd-, hild-, land-, léod-, ord-, wíg-.
frum-cyn(n)*, n. -ja., lineage, origin; as. -cyn, 252.
frum-gár*, m., ('first-spear', i.e.) chieftain; ds. -e, 2856. (cp. Lat. 'pimipilus'?)
frum-sceaft, f. -i. (m.?), creation, beginning, origin; ds. -e, 45; as. -sceaft, 91.
ge-frúnen, -frúnon, -frungon, see ge-frignan.
Frýsan, Frýs-land, see Frésan, Frés-lond.
fugol, m., bird; ds. fugle, 218; [np. fugelas, F. 5]; dp. fuglum, [2941]. [MnE. fowl; Go. fugls, ON. fugl, fogl, OFris. fugel, OS. fugal, OHG. fogal, fugal, Ger. Vogel]
full, adj., w/ gen., full; 2412. --Cpds.: eges-, sorg-, weorð-.
ful, adv., full, very; ful (oft), 480, 951, 1252. [Go. fulls, ON. fullr, OFris. OS. full, OHG. foll; L. plenus, Skt. púrna-]
ful(l), n., (filled) cup, beaker; ful, 1192; ds. fulle, 1169; as. ful, 615, 628, 1025, ýða ful ('sea'), 1208. --Cpds.: medo-, sele-.
ful-laéstan(*), w1., w/ dat., help, support; pres. 1 sg. -laéstu, 2668. [cp. fylstan; Siev. §43 n.4]
full-éode, pret. of ful(l)-gán, anv., w/ dat., follow, serve, aid; 3119.
fultum, m., help, support; as., 698, 1273, 1835, 2662.--Cpd.: mægen-.
fundian, w2., strive, be eager to go; pret. 3 sg. fundode, 1137; desire (w/ inf. of motion); pres. 1 pl. fundiaþ, 1819.
furðum, adv., just (of time), first; 323, 465, 2009; (a short time ago:) 1707.
furþur, adv., further, furthermore, further on; 254, 761, 3006.
fús, adj., eager to set out, ready, hastening; 1475, 3025, 3119; nsn., 1966; npm. fúse, 1805; --longing; nsm. fús, 1916; --ready for death; nsm. ~, 1241. [OHG. funs; cp. fundian] --Cpds.: hin-, út-, wæl-.
fús-líc(**), adj., ready; asn., 1424; apn. (fyrdsearu) fúslicu, 232, (~) fúslíc 2618 (asn.?).
fýf-týne, see fíf-týne.
fyl(l), m. -i., fall; 2912; ds. -e, 1544 (see: on). --Cpds.: hrá-, wæl-.
ge-fyllan, w1., fell, kill; 2655; pret. 3 pl. gefyldan, 2706. [feallan]
fyllo, wk.f., fill, plenty, feast; gs. fylle, 562; gs. or ds. ~, 1014; ds. ~, 1333. [full] [Go. fulló] --Cpds.: wæl-, wist-.
fyl-wérig**, adj. (fall-weary), killed; asm. -ne, 962.
fyr, see feor(r).
fýr, n., fire; 2701, 2881; gs. -es, 185, 1764; ds. -e, 2274, 2309, 2595; as. fýr, 1366. [Go. fón < Gmc. *fúr-i-; Gr. πυρ 'fire', Hit. pahhur 'fire' < IE. *peh2wr 'fire' (Watkins 61:pa9wr/Pokorny peuór 829)] --Cpds.: baél-, heaðo-, wæl-.
fýras, see fíras.
fýr-bend**, f. -jó. (m. -i.), band forged with fire; dp. -um, 722.
fyrd-gestealla*, wk.m., war-comrade; dp. -gesteallum, 2873. [faran; cp. OHG. fart]
fyrd-hom**, m., war-dress, coat of mail; as., 1504.
fyrd-hrægl**, n., war-garment, byrnie; as., 1527.
fýr-draca**, wk.m., (fire-drake), -dragon; 2689.
fyrd-searo**, n. -wa., armour; ap. -searu, 232, -searo 2618 (as.?).
fyrd-wyrðe(**)(+), adj. -ja., distinguished (worthy) in war; 1316.
fyren, firen, (*), f., crime, sin, wicked deed; fyren, 915; as. fyrene, 101, 137, 153, 2480, firen' 1932; gp. fyrena, 164, 628, 750, 2250, fyrene 811; ap. fyrena, 879; dp. fyrenum, adv., wickedly: 1744, exceedingly, sorely: 2441. [Go. faírina, OFris. firne, ferne, OS. OHG. firina; cp. ON. firn 'extraordinary']
fyren-daéd(*), f. -i., wicked deed, crime; dp. -um, 1001; ap. -a, 1669.
fyren-sceapen, adj. from pp., wicked, created in sin; [fyren]sceapen, [2229] (usually restored as [earm]sceapen).
fyren-ðearf**, f., dire distress; as. -e, 14.
fyrgen-béam**, m., mountain-tree; ap. -as, 1414. [cp. Go. faírguni; beam]
fyrgen-holt**, n., mountain-wood; as., 1393.
fyrgen-stréam*, m., mountain-stream (Malone 1929:192-'the great stream of the Ocean (the sea pure and simple)', Malone 1955:298-'stream that is a mountain (of intensity)'); 1358; as. firgenstréam, 2128.
fýren, adj., fiery, on fire; nsf. fýrenu, [F. 36].
fýr-heard**, adj., hardened by fire; npn., 305.
fyrian, see ferian.
fýr-léoht**, n., fire-light; as., 1516.
fyrmest, see forma. [Go. frumist]
fyrn-dagas(*), m.p., days of old; dp. -dagum, 1451. [cp. Go. *faírn(ei)s; OE. feor(r)]
fyrn-geweorc*, n., ancient work; as., 2286.
fyrn-gewin(n)**, n., ancient strife; gs. -gewinnes, 1689.
fyrn-man(n)**, m. -c., man of old; gp. -manna, 2761.
fyrn-wita*, wk.m., old counselor; ds. -witan, 2123.
fyrst, m. -i., space of time, time (granted for doing something); 134, 210, 2555; ds. -e, 76; as. fyrst, 528, 545; is. -e, 2573. [Ger. Frist]
(ge-)fyrðran, w1., further, advance, impel, incite; pp. gefyrðred, 2784. [furðor]
fyr-wet(t), -wyt(t) [wit(t)], n. -ja., curiosity; fyrwet, 1985, 2784; fyrwyt, 232. [cp. OS. firi-wit(t)]
fýr-wylm**, m. -i., surge of fire; dp. -um, 2671.
(ge-)fýsan, w1., make ready, impel, incite; pp. gefýsed, 217, 630 (ready for, w/ gen.), 2309 (provided with, w/ dat.); nsf. ~, 2561. [fús]